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Some Things I'd Like To See


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PvP Builds in Guild Arenas:

it would be cool if when we enter our guild arena we could test out our pvp builds on each other. Instead of having to find a dead map in pvp to do it. That would make our guild arena so much more useful.

Make Ranger Pets Account Bound:

Once you charm a pet on a ranger all other rangers you make have them too.

Guild Wars 1 Dance Books:

It would be awesome if we could buy dance books like How to Dance, Volume 1 that had the guild wars 1 dances in it.

Let Us Dye Weapons and Backpacks

Endless gathering tools added to the wardrobe

Open All option for goodie bags

Account bound crafting professions:

Once we max out a crafting profession any level lvl 80 character on that account could use that maxed out craft. That way people who want to level characters through crafting can and when they reach lvl 80 they’ll have the option to unlock the maxed out version of that craft.

Time buffer for personal and living story instances:

What I mean by this is if you do a story with a group and someone gets dropped as long as someone is in the instance let them back in like a dungeon. If someone is doing a story alone give them 5 mins to be able to get back on and continue their story without having to start over.

Quantity box for mystic forge

Pop up Signs For Dungeons:

It’d be helpful if when you hover over a dungeon’s symbol on the map it would say the name of the dungeon, what level you need to be to do it, say story mode or story and explorable mode if that character has done story mode on it already.

Pop up Signs For Fractal of the Mists:

When you hover over the fractal of the mists symbol on the map it’d said the name of the dungeon(Fractal of the Mists), what level you need to be, personal reward level, and how much agony resistance you have.

District Drop Down Menus:

Make overflow maps into a list of districts shown in a drop down menu in the upper left corner of the screen below the menu icons.

Dungeon Mode (5 man limit) For Commander Tags:

It would be awesome if someone with a commander tag had the option to go dungeon mode with a 5 man limit like we have with the raid mode option for 10 people. So, that way we could use markers to help teach new people where to go in dungeons or fractals. I’m not saying people must have a commander tag to do dungeons or fractals, but if someone has a tag it would be another great tool to have.

Stand Down Option For Commander Tags:

It would be nice to have the ability as a commander to stand down and still be in the squad without having to leave and rejoin.

Unending Guild Enhancements:

It’d be nice if when you choose a guild enhancement like the gathering boost that it would refresh on its own until you choose a different one.

Add Activities Tab to Guild Portals

Add Dungeons Tab to Guild Portals

Mystic forge recipe for mystic coins

Show the information for the active guild missions:

For example, for treks show how many locations have been found so far out of the total amount and how much time is left in the top right of the screen.

Pin Active Guild Mission When Guild Mission Screen is Opened and Closed

Increase the amount of people that can be in a guild hall instance at once without having to move to a new instance every 5 people

Make living story instances soloable:

Make it so living story instances scale down when you’re doing it solo compared to in a group.

Tonics added to wardrobe

Personalize Home Instances:

It would be cool to be able to decorate our home instances to make it our own or even just be able to move our nodes where we’d like them.

Build Saving

Raise Cooking and Jeweler to 500:

let us craft ascended trinkets/backpacks/foods/etc

Add all keys to the Material Storage

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@Rozalina.3196 said:

  • Let Us Dye Weapons and Backpacks
  • Endless gathering tools added to the wardrobe
  • Open All option for goodie bags
  • Account bound crafting professions:Once we max out a crafting profession any level lvl 80 character on that account could use that maxed out craft. That way people who want to level characters through crafting can and when they reach lvl 80 they’ll have the option to unlock the maxed out version of that craft.
  • Quantity box for mystic forge
  • Stand Down Option For Commander Tags:It would be nice to have the ability as a commander to stand down and still be in the squad without having to leave and rejoin.
  • Personalize Home Instances:It would be cool to be able to decorate our home instances to make it our own or even just be able to move our nodes where we’d like them.
  • Build Saving
  • Raise Cooking and Jeweler to 500:let us craft ascended trinkets/backpacks/foods/etc
  • Add all keys to the Material Storage

This is some good Quality of Life improvement list!Especially that build savings, and add keys to material storage

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Agree with everything except this one:

@Rozalina.3196 said:
  • Make living story instances soloable
    :Make it so living story instances scale down when you’re doing it solo compared to in a group.Apart from "Hearts and Minds" (HoT's final mission),
    already is soloable.

I solo'd it. Canauchs battle was super hard but i solo' d all of the story in the game

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O ya don't get me wrong Anet has been doing a great job on story as time continues on. I too have solo'd most of the Hearts of Minds story as well, but like you said > @Zeald.4596 said:

I solo'd it. Canauchs battle was super hard but i solo' d all of the story in the game.All I'm getting at is when we are doing a living story episode most of the time we are doing it alone and it shouldn't take us hours to get through it like how hearts and minds is setup right now. All it needs is reduced health and break bar when people go in solo and it's perfect.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I don't know about having Keys in Material Storage. Besides the fact that that would never happen, as they aren't crafting materials, how would they be accessible (without a Bank Express, of course) when out and about where chests are?

Perhaps, you meant the Wallet?

Okay, so the whole thing with the keys are that it would be nice to be able to put them somewhere that we could use them on any character on that account whether it is in the material storage or wallet. I'm cool with it either way. It would be nice to have it so as long as it's in the material storage or wallet we could open chests on any character without having to have in our inventories.

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