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Former mesmer mains - Which class did you switch to as your new main?


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I still main mesmer in WvW, however ive been shaking it up lately and playing a soulbeast off and on (not a boonbeast build). I used to main Druid/daredevil and engi (and scrapper) so trying to see if I can co main a viable build that I like...happens to have started with soulbeast lol. My mezzy will always be one I go to...shes too cute and fashion wars wise I have a bit invested in her

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Mesmer remains my main as she has ever since playing her up as second character after launch (with a 6 month break for revenant post HoT). I will continue to play her as my main and finish achievements, story, map completion, etc.

For group content (fractals+raids), the class which most replaces my mesmer/chrono is guardian at the moment. Either as dps (power DH or condi FB), as quickbrand or as heal Firebrand. Especially heal FB is so much more fun for supporting the group.

Other than that, for raids what ever is needed. I do tend to avoid playing chrono currently and my mesmer is basically my condi dps. Why work so hard when I can have fun on other characters?

EDIT: I'm pretty sure we will see even more changes with the next balance patch next week (very unlikely that SoI is going to remain in the current state). I tend not to care to much since my mesmer is pretty much as full legendary geared as can be so changing stats, runes or sigils is of minor consequence to me. Must be annoying for people not in that position though. :/

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