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Suggestion, make the green light/red light modifier on bounties easier to see for colorblind players


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I was doing a couple bounties in the Path of Fire areas with my girlfriend and noticed she wasn't moving or stopping along with the green and red lights, it turns out she couldn't even see the color change at all since she's partially colorblind, and it was a bit of a disappointment because we absolutely love the concept of the bounties, but there's a chance that she will be at a large disadvantage if any bounties have this modifier on them. I would suggest giving the stop and go icons more visual change alongside the color change for those who can't see the color change, or to just add in a colorblind mode for these bounties.

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Agreed wholeheartedly. This is a PC game, and it boggles my mind how inaccessible it is - UI modifications and such have been a staple of PC gaming for decades now. Even Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot, which are 20 and 15 years old, respectively, had particle sliders.

@Ojimaru.8970 said:I will back any suggestion that makes this game more accessible. GW2 has a terrible track record, especially when it comes to giving us visual options to make the game more color-blind-friendly, and I hope ArenaNet will step up.

I hope so too. I love this game, but I've never played a title that's so visually unfriendly, and I'm tired of dying because of issues that have nothing to do with my skill as a player or my interest in learning the content.

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I think a good solution would be to allow players to set colors themselves of different kinds of markers- as there are many different types of color blindness. And perhaps an option to create even more distinct patterns on the ground so players with near or complete color blindness could distinguish AOEs in a different manner. I'm not sure how easy either of these would be. I know on my server we have a color blind commander and I feel bad whenever he stops in a spot we already own :(

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@Mega Skeleton.8259 said:I think a good solution would be to allow players to set colors themselves of different kinds of markers- as there are many different types of color blindness. And perhaps an option to create even more distinct patterns on the ground so players with near or complete color blindness could distinguish AOEs in a different manner. I'm not sure how easy either of these would be. I know on my server we have a color blind commander and I feel bad whenever he stops in a spot we already own :(

Different patterns are a good idea, even over your first suggestion of choosing a color (which is a good idea in itself). May I add Further that the red light/green light option be like traffic lights, red light in the shape of a hand or stop sign, and green light as an arrow :). Just a thought.

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@Mega Skeleton.8259 said:I think a good solution would be to allow players to set colors themselves of different kinds of markers- as there are many different types of color blindness. And perhaps an option to create even more distinct patterns on the ground so players with near or complete color blindness could distinguish AOEs in a different manner. I'm not sure how easy either of these would be. I know on my server we have a color blind commander and I feel bad whenever he stops in a spot we already own :(Red/green colorblind here to share some ideas. Source: dying to disability far too often:

I'd like to see an enemy AoE ring option, which allows the player to select one of 10 colors (black, red, purple, yellow, aqua, etc.), in addition to different circle borders. Currently our single option is to turn it off completely, which is silly.

Transparency slider options on party members/other players/pets/minions to make it easier to see enemy telegraphs when they are covered in egg sack-infused macaw wings and such. The technology is already there through certain special effects.

The ability to turn off name plates in squads or limit how many appear on the screen at once. Dragon Stand + color blindness + nameplates is beyond annoying, and commanders often get miffed if they catch you leaving the squad.

Particle effect sliders because this is a PC game designed in the 21st century.

An option to append rarity qualities to the name of an item: Zho's Mantle becomes Zho's Mantle (Exotic). Some of us have trouble distinguishing between masterwork and exotic gear, and selling stuff on the fly can be a tad stressful as a result.

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@Zenith.7301 said:It's not even visible to non-color blind players due to the outrageous effects clutter we still can't turn off 5 years into the game.

Meanwhile FFXIV allows you to turn off the spell effects of other players.

No sarcasm here: It's oddly comforting to know that others have issues with the visual noise.

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