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Wanted: Anti burn duration runes and sigils.


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@Daharahj.1325 said:Or reduce burning damage across the board so we're not forced to waste one sigil/rune slot for something that pretty much everyone will be taking.

@SkyShroud.2865 said:i blame anet for focusing too much on boonstrippingburn has always been strong in hot, now they make it stronger with no counters to hit with all the boonstripping classes

Both incredibly valid change and point. There's literally no amount of Condi cleanse or transfer I can take. And some abilities are also too slow cast time that you are burned down in 1 1/2 seconds.

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:If it's about firebrand, well of power for us necros really messes them up. After that scourge shade 2 skill. Burn gets coverted to aegis, killing off current stacks and preventing the next attack from applying a new one or a cover condi.

Generally continuual condi cleanse is what ruins burn guard's day.

Thanks for the tips, but I play reaper. It's how I have the most fun and I climbed to Platinum with it. I have ran the well of power too. If it doesn't cleanse the burn number pulse I'm insta-dead

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