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Deadeye Stealth Attacks in PvE?


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I'm having trouble understanding the math of when Backstab is worth using, especially factoring in Malice boosts on Deadeye. I assume that when you're in a Meta camping behind the big boss it's surely better than auto-attacking, but should you build malice first with Heartseeker, or use it whenever stealth is available regardless of malice? What about when solo - is it worth it to stealth, pivot around to the back, and strike? What if you have quickness, as Deadeye does most of the time, so you're losing more strikes in that time? What if it's a static target like the broadside of an elder dragon, and you can't get behind it - still use backstab, or just auto attack it?

EDIT: Does the conclusion change between offhand dagger (stealth skill) or pistol (powder/leap combo for stealth)?

The Rifle skill is simpler, but i still sometimes wonder whether it's gaining much to stop my quickened 3-round burst spamming to use it just because malice is maxed out.

I'm hoping more talented thieves have developed some "best practices" for this, not even necessarily on Deadeye in daggers' case.

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You want to use Backstab to put Revealed on yourself which gives you +200 power from the Revealed Training trait. Then you use Heartseeker and Cloak and Dagger to fill your malice for a full damage backstab. Rinse and repeat. Always try to land backstab from the back. It's easy if you change the setting to allow your character to walk through the enemy (Melee Assist).

Always use Backstab/Death's Judgement at full malice. It is huge damage for 0 initiative.

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