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Include Deaths as a Top Stat in PvP


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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"tacomex.8179" said:Please include deaths as a top stat in PvP, so that players who're feeding actually feel bad and perhaps they'll want to play better or try to improve.


It's actually a great idea.

In fact, I'd like to see a complete 2nd page that pops up after the first page of top stats, that would show us something like this:
  • Most Damage Taken
  • Most Deaths
  • Least Amount Of Healing
  • Revived The Most By Other Players
  • Most Time Spent Off Node

It's funny the more I think about it, these stats in conjunction with the original stats, would create a very strong indication for who was carrying, who was getting rolled, who was contributing in general, and if someone was throwing. Out of all the new stat suggestions, this would probably be the best implementation.

IE: Someone on your team gets Top Damage, Top Kills, Most Revives, Most Offense. Then if he also gets Most Damage Taken, it would indicate that guy was baller stronk and constantly in the fray carrying team fights. However if someone had no top stats, but received Most Damage Taken, it would indicate he was a punching bag that match and really didn't contribute much at all.

Most of those 2nd list stats would function like that. Depending on what top stats they get, it would indicate if something like "Least Amount Of Healing" meant that they were an indominable force to reckoned with, or if they were just dying too fast to use heals at all.

That's exactly what we need for a better representation of individual contribution.. an alternative list of top stats to pair with the first, to better define the actions that the player took to get those stats.

I like this idea, with enough info like this ANET could then start trying to award players personal rating based on performance weather your team wins or looses - the result would be even when match maker teams you up with a bunch of idiots if you play your best and loose you still get some kind of recognition and reward for not afking

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Yea I actually thought about that a couple times myself, I'd really appreciate it. It would be extremely helpful to judge how well I performed in comparison to my mates especially if we lose and try to determine whether I was the weakest link in the chain or if there were one or two guys who got completely stomped.But I don't really see that feature coming tho, simply because it would probably increase toxicity towards specific players (I mean.. just look at all those discussions regarding dps meter in PvE) and Anet probably doesn't want that.. But I can actually see how this could improve the whole whining thing and reduce toxicity in general a bit since you can clearly make out the problem in a match. Whether it was a complete retard on your team or a massively overpowered guy in the enemy team.And you could objectively keep track of certain class performances. It obviously doesn't reflect the actual performance of a class/player because if you are just standing in a 1v2 as a sidenoder all the time, deal and soak up massive amounts of damage over the course of the match, while your team mates are constantly dying on mid because they need you to be there for enabling the snowball you clearly didn't perform well in that match decision making wise, even tho you may be a beast mechanically/gameplay wise.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@tacomex.8179 said:Please include deaths as a top stat in PvP, so that players who're feeding actually feel bad and perhaps they'll want to play better or try to improve.


However if someone had no top stats, but received Most Damage Taken, it would indicate he was a punching bag that match and really didn't contribute much at all.

However if someone had Most Damage Taken but the least deaths or something he was clearly tanking a lot of damage that would have otherwise destroyed the rest of the team, so he would've contributed a lot actually. You always have to look at the whole. This would describe basically any bunker build and we all know how effective Scrapper is.

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Getting rid of top stats and showing the stats table for everyone seems a better idea to me. If you don't have top stats, it doesn't mean you played badly. Sometimes i don't have top stats in kill and damage as a necro but still did a lot of damage and kill 20 people. If someone else kills one or two more player doesn't mean i played badly as i said.Top Stats are misleading, stats table is more important.

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@otto.5684 said:I would really love that they list all stats for all players on the end screen.

better a ranking with gold silver and bronze ranks for every stat, i know that top stats a lot of times mean nothing but is something frustrating when you take a look at top stats and you get none but you see all your numbers are percentually high like 25% on each

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To make it easier:

Hide the basic stats and generate new top stats that reflect combinations of top stats that also reflect negative top stats as suggested above.


  • Deadly (Top Damage and Kills)
  • Durable (Top Damage Received and Top Personal Healing)
  • Indomitable (Top Defense and Least Deaths)
  • Unstoppable (Top Offense and Most Kills)
  • Executioner (Most Finishers and Least Deaths)
  • Escape Artist (Most Damage Received and Least Deaths)
  • Paragon (Most Revives and Least Deaths)
  • Golden (Top Offense and Defense, with Least Deaths and Most Kills)
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