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Mirage Grandmaster Traits


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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Curunen.8729 said:Nothing apart from removing this nonsense will make it good - unless they nerf mirage cloak further, but I think the fact they haven't touched the ability to baseline dodge while cced since nearly 2 years makes me think they intend that to be as it is.

They better not remove that ability, it is the only thing worth speccing mirage since the attack while dodging mechanic they sold us is now dead and buried.

I agree, especially since the nerf back to 0.75s - I think it's interesting design to make players think to bait and when to burst rather than mindlessly land cc/burst combos - given endurance for mirage is limited anyway so just like anything else will still run out of evade frames.

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@Jables.4659 said:

I firmly believe that Infinite Horizon is and has been the main reason for Mirage's perceived OPness since pof launch. It makes it much more difficult for players to track the real Mesmer while simultaneously encouraging passive play. Condition Mirage's can spend the vast majority of a pvp/wvw fight kiting, stealthing, ect. while still dealing far too much damage. For some insane reason Anet has taken it upon themselves to nerf core Mesmer traits and Mirage traits instead of fixing the obvious issue. At this point nerfing Infinite Horizon would leave Mirage as a pathetic excuse for an elite spec, but further ingraining it into Mirage is just another step in the wrong direction. If I had it my way Infinite Horizon (and the other 2 GM traits) would be removed and replaced. Ambush attacks would be slightly buffed to partially compensate for the loss of IH. Of course that's not all, Evasive Mirror would have its ICD reduced to 3-5 seconds, Confusing Images would have its power damage buffed by 25% (to bring it back to where it was before the dumb changes), sword phantasm would be back to 8 might, phantasmal force would be buffed slightly, Staff phantasms would be changed into something useful, Mirage vigor trait would be buffed, the list goes on and on.

I completely agree with the above post. I'd much rather see IH removed entirely and anet put some actual thought into the Mirage elite spec. Trailblazer condi Mirages are almost as toxic as Soulbeast in WvW. (Of course, Trailblazer ANYTHING is toxic to come across in WvW…) Clones should not be putting out that kind of pressure. It's like Clone Death on steroids. Keep popping out clones, spamming evades and kiting till your clones wear out the opposition.

I'd also be totally ok if they made it our new GM minor BUT removed all additional effects from clones. I think the VISUAL flavor of IH is completely appropriate for Mesmer. It should take a bit of effort to pick the Mesmer out from their clones.

I just highly doubt they'll put in the effort to adjust things, though... and I'm fully expecting another round of nerfs in the next patch. They haven't finished adjusting our shatter traits to only affect a single shatter yet (looking at you Maim the Disillusioned...).

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Infinite Horizon visuals and clone evade should stay. Aesthetics are everything and I strongly believe this is one of the main flavours that mirage is all about.

But if most/all damage/cc/etc was shifted on to player ambush, then it really should be minor, otherwise it would be left as an almost purely cosmetic GM major trait which doesn't make sense.

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@Curunen.8729 said:Infinite Horizon visuals and clone evade should stay. Aesthetics are everything and I strongly believe this is one of the main flavours that mirage is all about.

But if most/all damage/cc/etc was shifted on to player ambush, then it really should be minor, otherwise it would be left as an almost purely cosmetic GM major trait which doesn't make sense.

Adjusting most of the damage to the player Ambush would be a solid approach, and allow IH to be a Minor of interest, superspeed on dodge not being core to the specialization seems silly, but IH feels like it should be core to the specialization as well, so /shrug. I do think clones gaining Mirage Cloak and being immune to everything for that split second does feel good though, that should stay if they move it to minor, as it still does something for the profession as a whole then.

Alternatively, buffing DC and EM slightly seems fair as well, I would love to see some more superspeed on EM, as a “slight” nod to the idea of being illusive by being fast, or maybe a longer duration on Mirage Cloak from EM... either would offset the weakness incurred by choosing it. Dune Cloak could perhaps make the clone deaths make mirrors with a short duration... seems like the kind of slightly defensive fight length increasing effect that Mirage needs right now. These last few thoughts have been late night thinking, so they are rough ideas.

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