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Boon corruption condi conversion suggestion.


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I think with the changes to resistances becoming chill and not root any more is a good example of updating the Boon corruption but there needs to be a look a root becoming resistances when converting the condi. Root becomes a liability more then helpful for a group. I am asking for root to become a block or some time of other boon. Resistances is too much of an on and off hard counter to let it be so easy to get. Taunt should become not be resistance as well.

At the same time stab should not boon corrupted into fear. Fear is a very strong hard cc that often makes ppl buff play agnded them more then help. If you have super speed you will go flying off if fear. Over all its an un-fun effect often you will never know when its happening or why. Stab should become a chill or some other soft cc. At the same time fear should not become stab if converted it should also become a block or alacrity.

There needs to be a real look at condi dmg conversion as well. A bleed becoming vigor is way too powerful for such a low end condi dmg type as well as burning becoming a block. All condi dmg effects should become reg.


Bleeding Vigor (10 s)Blinded Fury (5 s)Burning Aegis (5 s)Chilled Alacrity (2 s)Confusion Retaliation (5 s)Crippled Swiftness (10 s)Fear Stability (3 s)Immobile Resistance (2 s)Poisoned Regeneration (5 s)Slow Quickness (3 s)Taunt Resistance (2 s)Torment Might (3 stacks, 10 s)Vulnerability Protection (3 s)Weakness Might (3 stacks, 10 s)

Bleeding, Burning, Confusion, Poisoned, and Torment should become Regeneration

Immobile, Slow, Fear, and Taunt should become Aegis.

Condis and boons should never become the "strong" class type boons / condis from corruption and conversion. Is what i am trying to get at.

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As a scrapper that has access to lots of stab, any necros running corrupt can just perma fear me, while it isn’t fun, it does hard counter my duels with them, and as i said, its mechanically unfun, but I wouldn’t call it broken. I always wondered why vigor corrupted into bleed when, of course IMO, thematically fear makes more sense, and stab corrupted into torment makes more thematic sense to me. Just an opinion. I imagine there are mechanical reasons that might make those changes broken or neuter certain builds, just a thought.

It baffles me that there are so many stun-breaks that grant stab (about 35%) which can be immediately corrupted into another cc.

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@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:As a scrapper that has access to lots of stab, any necros running corrupt can just perma fear me, while it isn’t fun, it does hard counter my duels with them, and as i said, its mechanically unfun, but I wouldn’t call it broken. I always wondered why vigor corrupted into bleed when, of course IMO, thematically fear makes more sense, and stab corrupted into torment makes more thematic sense to me. Just an opinion. I imagine there are mechanical reasons that might make those changes broken or neuter certain builds, just a thought.

It baffles me that there are so many stun-breaks that grant stab (about 35%) which can be immediately corrupted into another cc.

Going from a boon that is made to stop all hard cc to a hard cc it self has no real justification. It seems more of old hold over when there was not as many corruption in the game or boon conviction. There are a lot more and we keep getting more so there needs to be a real look at what the condi dose and what the boon dose and less of going for the opposite effect. It would make the game much more balance in effects.

Bleed should not become vigor and vigor realty should not become a bleed. Condi dmg should become one type of boon and "lesser" aggrieves boons should become a soft cc such as weakness.

Going from having a stacking counter to hard cc (as in each hard cc eats a stack of stab) to hard cc in one skill is not balance. Must like going from a hard counter to soft cc resistance to one of it not the stronger soft cc or root was not balance it just happens to be the perceived opposite effect.

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