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Why the Laser's Edge changes might be really bad and what the trait actually needs.


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Hey there, Engi players, ANet balance team!Point of view: Raids. Getting right to the point:

The issues with Laser's Edge and the upcoming changes

Laser's Edge: The bonus damage from this trait is now calculated dynamically based on the amount of heat you have rather than activating after passing a specific heat threshold.

What I hoped for this patch were small Holo buffs, as the profession is practically never seen in Raids anymore, besides some cHolo play on like VG. Reading this change made my small hopes turn into frustration right away. At this point I'm happy if we're not recieving this change / this nerf instead of getting any buffs.

Pre patch we preheat to 75-80 heat and when we start our rotation, we have the 15% modifier for all the burst skills and up until 0 heat. From 0 to 50 heat we will not have the 15% modifier, however we'll have it right at 50% heat again. Post patch we'll only have a 11-12% modifier when using our first burst abilities, the first forge 3 and 4, which hurts the already challenged burst. So it's a straight up nerf for an already outclassed profession in Raids.

What is unclear is if the scaling will still be happening while the heat goes from 100 to 0 while the Blasting Module is equpped. Pre patch we have 0-50 heat no mod, 50-100-0 heat the 15% mod, so a 75% uptime. If the Blasting Module isn't preventing the modifier from scaling down as well, we'll only have a 50% uptime, as 0-100-0 heat is a 0%-15%-0% modifer. This would immediately mean the end of Holosmith for Raids.

Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit: This trait now increases the bonus damage maximum from Laser's Edge by 50% in addition to its previous effects.

In the past I've tried a lot making this trait viable (unsuccessful) and my last hope of this patch not turning out to be a Holo nerf was to try again and adding another 7.5% dmg modifier (total 22.5%) to it, to see its numbers. However the impact of the Blasting Module overheat damage is rather big for burst, but that's not the main problem here. The main issue is that Laser's Edge is immediately gone when leaving the forge (because you must to not overheat) while Prime Light Beam, Laser Disk or any Toolbelt abilites are lacking the modifier.

So, what do I suggest?

Either revert the dynamic scaling or make Laser's Edge stronger (+3%), like 18%, (27% above 100 heat). At the same time while the Blasting Module is equpped, after overheating, the modifier MUST stay at it's maximum capacity until 0 heat. Additionally to support Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit, make Laser's Edge stay active for ~6s after leaving the forge, so long lasting abilites will not be weaker with this trait.

Alternatively you could make Laser's Edge only like 12% (18% above 100 heat), however keep it always out of forge as well, so it'd be only heat related and it'd work well with the Storage Unit. For this to work with the Blasting Module as well, give it the additional effect to enhance lasers edge after overheating by 50% to 18%.

But to be fair...

Laser's Edge: Bonus damage is now multiplicative instead of additive.

I have no idea how impactful this will be. It might very well be that parts of the above are not imporatnt if this basically "generates" those +3% dmg on it's own. So this might fix issues with the Blasting Module.

  • Xyonon o7(the engi sheet guy)
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Honestly, most of the changes are kind of vague. When they say that it will scale dynamically, does that mean that at 100% heat we will have the 15% bonus? Or will we have the 15% bonus at 50% still and get a 30% bonus at 100% (admittedly, that seems kind of insane). We don’t know if laser’s edge will still apply after we overheat with photonics blasting module. Also, I’m not sure what they mean by multiplicative damage bonus as opposed to an addative bonus (if someone understands, please explain it to me). What I think really screws us over is the fact that overheating disables your tool belt skills. Overheating is literally a part of the rotation.

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@"DinoStone.2485" said:Honestly, most of the changes are kind of vague. When they say that it will scale dynamically, does that mean that at 100% heat we will have the 15% bonus? Or will we have the 15% bonus at 50% still and get a 30% bonus at 100% (admittedly, that seems kind of insane). We don’t know if laser’s edge will still apply after we overheat with photonics blasting module. Also, I’m not sure what they mean by multiplicative damage bonus as opposed to an addative bonus (if someone understands, please explain it to me). What I think really screws us over is the fact that overheating disables your tool belt skills. Overheating is literally a part of the rotation.

An additive damage bonus works like this: 10% +25% + 5% = 40% increaseA multiplicative damage bonus works like this: 10% +25% + 5% = 1.1 x 1.25 x 1.05 = 44.4% increase

The dynamic scaling is currently unknown. However, as one of my math teachers put it... "there's a stupid answer that you'll jump to." It is very possible for Anet to make it so the skill scales dynamically from 0 to 50% heat, increasing to 15% and then sustaining for that duration. There's two problems with this, though.

(1): That is not what Anet said they're doing. It's a pretty big detail to leave out.(2): Having the trait slowly scale from 0 to 15% over the entire heat bar is the "stupid answer," in the sense it is the obvious choice to make and also the choice that makes everything worse for everyone.

As for the toolbelt changes... I think what Anet is trying to do in their infinite vagueness and mysterious wisdom is try and create a tradeoff between Photonic Blasting Module and Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit for PVE. It's... not a good tradeoff, though, because the time it takes to lose heat scales upward with ECSU. To compare the two:

PBM+Big attack at end+16 seconds to cool down+Laser's Edge after overheating for 16 seconds+Heat Therapy after overheating eventually fully compensates for all health lost-16 second lockout of toolbelt skills-Takes damage regularly

ECSU+Higher Laser's Edge and Sword scaling+More time in Photon Forge+Doesn't blow self up for maximum damage+Self Stacks 12 might at high heat-24 seconds to cool down-Severe damage if blown up that doesn't recover-No laser's edge outside of Photon Forge

The big one that most people don't know about is that longer cooldown for ECSU. Heat dissipates at the same rate no matter which trait you take, so really for ECSU you only get more photon forge time at the start of the fight. After that, you'll be spending roughly equivalent amounts of time in each. It is just that, with PBM, you'll spend about 10 seconds in forge and 16 seconds out of it, and with ECSU you'll spend about 5 seconds in forge, and 8 seconds out of it... with a high chance of killing yourself due to mishandling photon forge.

The thing that makes PBM better all around is that free explosion damage, and that it keeps laser's edge after going kaboom. ECSU gets a higher modifier, but only in photon forge, so only for 3 or 4 skills before you have to turn it off. The increased sword scaling outside of photon forge isn't fully compensated, because the 10% damage mod + laser's edge 15% is better than the 20% damage mod from ECSU.

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