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Things that 100% make WvW unfun atm


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The current problem was never the maps, although I would have loved a 1/2 dozen maps and have them randomly rotated every week...variety is the spice of life. No, the problem was that certain commanders no longer PPT, capture, or use their brains strategically or tactically. By their OWN admission...all they want to do for what they believe to be FUN...is just fight. NO capture. No PPT score. All they cared about is leading their personal guild into a fight. Zerg vs zerg, or even Guild vs Guild. To them the Pugs were starting to get in the way to the point, that they wanted Hidden Tags. They exclusively wanted only two professions, Scourge and Firebrand, and didn't care about anything else because it was not Op for the amount of damage in order to make quick work of your enemy. Seriously, ask yourself this question. If all the Commander wants to do, is fight, and he's not interested in PPT...what is the point of WvW at all. It's nothing more than largescale pvp is what they want. And you can do that in Obsidian Sanctum and damn to hell Eternal Battlegrounds or the Borderlands maps. Seriously. If your a commander and all you want to do is fight, Obsidian Sanctum has an Arena, that was specifically built for your GvG needs. But you don't use it. For a short period some of your guilds were using it, to practice their ...stamina....to see how long they could last in a fight. So ...why do you need a Hidden Tag? Why do you need to fight in Eternal Battlegrounds or the Borderlands...if you don't care about....winning the war every week? You want to win the battles, but you don't want to win the war. Nobody wants to follow you anymore if you at least don't make the appearance of wanting to win. I mean sure 1/2 of you want to win, but the other 1/2....don't care. If you don't care to win, then maybe WvW should just be shutdown. What's making WvW not fun to play for me personally, is a team that doesn't want to win, and doesn't care about winning. Win or lose, you can still have "fun", as long as dug your heels in and did your absolute best over the most horrendous circumstances. But it's not fun to lose, if your commander wants to lose...purposely.

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@"KeyOrion.9506" said:If all the Commander wants to do, is fight, and he's not interested in PPT...what is the point of WvW at all. It's nothing more than largescale pvp is what they want. And you can do that in Obsidian Sanctum and kitten to hell Eternal Battlegrounds or the Borderlands maps. Seriously. If your a commander and all you want to do is fight, Obsidian Sanctum has an Arena, that was specifically built for your GvG needs. But you don't use it.

Um, all the changes I suggested at the start of the thread push away from having to blob PvP. They give long-term siege fights back making small groups more useful. They touch the meta nerfing the most op blob specs.

Unfortunately as long as there are ways to abuse the gamemode, people will do it. So for anet to reduce blobbing they have to remove the shield gen attacks and defenders massive advantage so that going to enemy border with smallish group isn't just a suicide 90% of the daytime. You must understand that for mentalities of people like us that play for points (log-in gradually) is different from PvP-only blobbers that only log-in at certain time (starting with 40-70 people), so smaller scale being fun is essential for your point commanders to build numbers to match enemies better and have fun.

It is true that lot of commanders these days don't care about points these days but the meta is favorable for their playstyle thus it is the dominant style. Most of the "points too" commanders stopped commanding because the playstyle is too unimaginitive (shield gen attacks, can't treb because gens) and unfavorable (defender advantages). This doesn't even count the fact that enemies are attacking less because the same reasons. I believe your issue isn't the fact that there are fight commanders, but rather the lack of the commanders alongside them; After all WvW isn't just limited to that 1 blobbing metablind commander. So the maps/balance is definitely an issue and by these changes, which aren't small, I aim to bring meaningful WvW gameplay back by making it more fun for all sides. The reason I kept the suggestion at a reasonable scale was so that it doesn't take too much resources from ANET.

Now do note that for ANET it is much easier to make the balance more fun for your preferred playstyle, causing gradual increase in the playbase that thinks like you, than changing the existing player mentality with some immoral propaganda. ANET kind of already reduced one of the specific problem within fights by making damage reduction foods more widespread with ascended feasts, not an approach I would have thought of.

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At this point I don't believe certain commanders really care about the small groups. Usually those are the groups of players that are usually pushed aside and that the commander doesn't want in their group in the first place. I suppose it would come down to...what could you implement that would either penalize or reward a group for using less, or more people. If the commander decides he's not going to PPT, try to win, or give a damn, how can you ...penalize him? At a certain point we do have a sandbox, and tend to utilize some form of Tactic, in order to implement a Strategy in order to Win....but that's not the case anymore for some of the Commanders or even the players that he or she commands.

What could you possibly implement that would sink into a players brain...that it would be advantageous to win, not just play for the "i'm just here to fight" sort of sense. What could you do to a player to make them say, "HEY, LETS WIN!"

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