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Guildwars2.com - 2 factor authentication issue

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What on earth is going on with the 2FA..Now after having the above issue resolved it begins to happen again the last few days, so another ticket goes in.So once again I am able to enter the full 6 digit code, but pressing next to authenticate the login system does nothing not even error it simply becomes a dead next step.So ANET thought it wise to remove 2FA without even testing if it can be relinked.. which it cannot because the last step is simply not doing anything.Come on what has happened to 2FA

Using Android and have been since 2FA became a thing on latest Win10 build.

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@Leablo.2651 said:Did you try it with a functional browser?

You mean use WinAuth .. not tried but its not the 2FA app that is the issue, I can generate my codes, can scan a new QR Code it is after putting that code into the Arenanet system and clicking next - nothing happens, nothing at all. The system just wont progress.The 2FA was working perfectly normally when getting into the game, just when trying to log into forums or my Arenanet account this issue gets thrown up.Additionally I ve tried using MS Edge as well as IE.. no dice tho.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I'm having issues with my accounts, as well. Different issues, but logging in issues nevertheless.

Something has gone wacky, all of a sudden.

Yeah this is the third issue in as many weeks for me.. first only getting 5 digits on the authentication screen, that gets fixed, does it again, gets fixed and now it does nothing with the codes once they are entered... and it was only for forum/account access the game 2FA was fine.

EDIT - Support just got back and said the 2FA process did not clear properly.. so tried relinking --- no dice .. AGAIN!The "NEXT" button does nothing after entering the 6 digit code. Tried so many times now to tell support it is not the applicator that is broke, it seems to me it is the website.

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Encountered the exact same issue a couple of days ago.I could enter the authenticator code just fine in the launcher but in the account login authenticator code box,at the site,only 5 digits could be entered.I also got a error message at the top of the web page(on firefox) "some fields are invalid please fix them".I tried various browsers just to be sure.I then contacted support to report the bug,they ended up disabling 2 factor authentication on my account.Afterwards,the first time I tried to enable 2 factor authentication again I could insert the full verification code,all 6 digits,but I still got the error message(the message appeared only on firefox,the other browsers I used appeared to simply stall).Then for some reason(voodoo or aliens) the problem vanished and I was able to go through the process.Now everything works fine again both on the site and the launcher.

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@"Aenaos.8160" said:Encountered the exact same issue a couple of days ago.I could enter the authenticator code just fine in the launcher but in the account login authenticator code box,at the site,only 5 digits could be entered.I also got a error message at the top of the web page(on firefox) "some fields are invalid please fix them".I tried various browsers just to be sure.I then contacted support to report the bug,they ended up disabling 2 factor authentication on my account.Afterwards,the first time I tried to enable 2 factor authentication again I could insert the full verification code,all 6 digits,but I still got the error message(the message appeared only on firefox,the other browsers I used appeared to simply stall).Then for some reason(voodoo or aliens) the problem vanished and I was able to go through the process.Now everything works fine again both on the site and the launcher.

Yeah same thing with IE and MS Edge.Aside from support unlinking 2FA completely and leaving my game access unsecured (which was a little annoying) they were pretty quick in responding to my ticket and then yesterday suddenly I was finally able to re link 2FA using EDGE but not with IE still.I also noted that many of the ANET page links on the GW2.com page were either stalling or coming back blank pages.These 2FA issues with button functionality and possible broken links seem to of followed a similar pattern to issues with the forums previously after vanilla updates had occurred.

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