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Iboga Hallucinations: A plant got a better mechanic than the entire Mirage spec


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@Alpha.1308 said:ok, but........i don't care about how CURRENT hallucinations work?like helloi mentioned that in a previous postthat wasn't the initial point

why are you off on the wrong part of the subject?i like how only one person had a good argument to combat the massive issues with the spec, and that was how Mirage is actually really good in spvpbut you know, literally nothing elsebut the fact is, did we really NEED an entire elite spec for spvp, for a class that ALREADY functioned well in spvp?especs where supposed to ADD something NEW to the base class, this didn't at all, just gave us a core mesmer line with a flashy dodge that's actually harmful

sure, i mistook the hallucinations for dealing damage and having effects during the animation, wahh wahh i can't believe someone got something wrong on the internet

point being, why were we the only class to not get a class mechanic change and still stuck with creatures for a mechanic

you guys are acting like you're happy for accepting a trash can

like, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that THE CURRENT HALLUCINATIONS DO NOTHINGi said specifically they were bad in a previous post, sure, i didn't know they did absolutely nothing, at first i THOUGHT they did somethingwoopie sorry sorry sorry apologies sorry

so you know what they can do as a balance team?they can MAKE THEM do somethingthat's how balance updates worki said they can't just copy/paste the current design onto mesmers and suddenly voila better mirage

do you not understand how things get CHANGED over the course of a balance update to actually work?

oh, rightprobably notbecause we're mesmers who now have Well of Precognition in its current form

i understand where you people are coming from with this argument that hallucinations do nothing currently, but it just wasn't the real part of the problem, sorry for not clarifying that

I was simply correcting you. Calm down.

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@Photoloss.4817 said:No. Hallucination is completely and absolutely useless in all of PvE because AI does not have a screen to mess with, and probably wouldn't work in WvW zerg fights either with all the effects already flying from regular combat.

I was sort of assuming that adding a PvE use to it (like making mobs sometimes hit the illusions) would not be difficult. Now granted, we're talking about a company here who cannot even enable Chronomancer Wells underwater despite having done exactly that for Necromancers. So I guess I'll have to concede that point.

But, talking any other MMO company, it would be trivial to add PvE use to it. And a large scale, maybe even channeled, AE version would definitely have WvW use. Hell we could have illusionary siege build sites! :open_mouth:

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they just didn't get the point, it's fine

but the siege build sites..... i mean, mesmers would be the only ones capable of something so wide-spread-hysteria, as fun as it sounds, it sounds too... out of guild wars

maybe if they actually overhauled wvw and made it a good game mode (it's my favorite but let's be real, it's bad) and gave every class an extreme niche like that, i could agree, but, eh

this game's wvw had the potential to be so amazing, they just don't care about putting that much effort into it

as for pve hallucinations being hit, not so muchwhy can't we just be a normal class that's not dependent on having creatures

if we have a trait line that gives us back damage and make us more durable, we won't need to have the mobs doing anything to a hallucination in the first place, just give us some form of damage/utility not so reliant on destructibles/targetables

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