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Why are custom arenas still 200 gold?

Hot Boy.7138

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Custome arenas are more or less dead. There are some nice 2v2 maps, but the only way to do it is in a custome arena, which is 200 gold. Remove the cost of custom arenas now. It's pointless at this point to still have such a barrier when you want people to experience the content. Part of giving us the tools to create our own games is removing the unnecessary pay wall. There is no good reason for custom arenas to still have a cost.

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I disagree. The pay wall is meant to keep anets servers from getting clogged. More than likely if they were free everyone and their grandma would have their own server, which would also cause servers to be highly less populated. The current system is fine, 200g is pretty cheap. 2g a day is basically doing your dailies to maintain the server. It should be even easier since they revamped the rewards in ranked making it even easier to make gold.

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@Marmatt.8590 said:I disagree. The pay wall is meant to keep anets servers from getting clogged. More than likely if they were free everyone and their grandma would have their own server, which would also cause servers to be highly less populated. The current system is fine, 200g is pretty cheap. 2g a day is basically doing your dailies to maintain the server. It should be even easier since they revamped the rewards in ranked making it even easier to make gold.

The servers would be clogged up by whom? Custom arenas are dead. Look at any moment of any day and you'll see 0 to a max of 5 players total in custom arenas. The way it was implemented was stupid. The better way to have implemented custom arenas was for anyone to be able to make one, and then have the server automatically close after 15 minutes of being empty. The person who creates is has full control of the server while it is open. I was very confused why it was implemented in the way it currently is. I remember the day it went live and I thought to myself this is really dumb. To have such a large number of servers totally empty is clogging whatever you think is being clogged.

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