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So... I've been working on this for a long time. Been trying to keep track of all the stats, builds, traits, skills, utilities, sigils, runes, armor, weapons, used dyes, trinkets, transmutations, inventory, bank, titles, jobs, achievements, story choices & progression, profession levels, bank items, mount skins, minis, wardrobe/makeover previews, chosen Orders, gliders, mail carrier, novelties, map detailing what they’ve completed, etc...

I’d like to be able to confirm anything I’ve forgotten about a character without logging in to each person one by one to find out... then trying to remember all the comparisons without eidetic memory (as it piles up) and make sense of it all or find where I put a certain item or what I gave who etc...

But it’s too hard to record all of this in a booklet or even via screenshots or typing it out on the computer. Even if I had one character, I’m not sure how I’d organize it. Currently I have 16. Feels like an impossible task.

It constantly fluctuates. I reorganize & tweak shit for various reasons. And with all the updates nerfing builds, I’ve no choice but to rework my characters and try to adapt the best I can. It’s overwhelming to keep up with, let alone write it all out the one time and then have to go back and forth from game to document, alt tab, alt tab, alt tab, then onto the next character. Or if screenshots: hundreds of photos to folders; no good way of storing them or easy to find. Even tried making a private website, but it looks crappy. Just a mess.

So my proposition is to make it all viewable in the Character Select Menu Page.

I think it’d be so perfect to have the Character Select page be our own personal home instance which could still include all these things we want to keep track of, but in a more creative visual and interactive way than just blinding numbing sedating text... much like this forum, sadly lol.

Imagine an entire guild hall sized map (give or take: should be able to expand or decrease size if desired) with various habitats of our choosing (with unconfined excruciating detail) sectioned off by creeks with bridges or reservoirs of water (could be the vibrant kinds like in the Grove, Elon Riverlands, and the Zephyrs), for each character to have their own secluded house in their own style with every fucking thing they possess and more lol. All inventory items... trifles, treasures, and troves... gifts, souvenirs, keepsakes, lucky tokens, & reminders of home from travelers & friends... whatever neat, cute, cool, badass, silly, nerdy, epic, beautiful, mystical, inspiring, humbling, or sentimental doo-dads and thingamabobs tell more and more about your avatar and make them feel real... magical artifacts, gizmos & gadgets, cabinets of nature’s remedies, spindly whirring alchemical instruments & automatons, tonics & tinctures... racks & wardrobes displaying a copy of our characters’ exact equipped gear and other templates... their pets and minis running around playing or snuggled up in squashy beds, and a stables outside for all their mounts or a farm for the chickens or dolyaks you wish you could raise (lol!)... various Order, Pact, and Guild related decor like banners printed on the blanket draped across the bed or paintings on the wall... dungeon and raid stuff... cultural furnishing and anything important to you from personal story (like bringing in the white stag or moon shield), the expansions (maybe you want some vibrant pillows, rugs, & mosaics from the colorful hotspots of Amnoon and Vabby but without the desert surrounding lol), and living story (want the shrine with the dwarf head? Have it! lol)... all available paint dyes & architectural themes (inside and out) and exact landscapes available to incorporate and able to downsize with the best of the best aspects of it, etc... personalize it to match their unique style and iconic poetic touches in design to nostalgically showcase what they've gone through along their stories in the game and outside. I would love certain lush af parts of the sparkly Pandora-similar Grove & Auric Basin (or the terraces in the NE corner of Silver Wastes and the entrance of Caladon I love so dearly)... parts here and there from the Shiverpeaks - especially the serene forrest in Bitterfrost with some cabins and cottages. The deeper you dive into your characters and what you love, the list just keeps growing.

Everything you observe provides all info and allows an interaction with your character. Maybe they hug their favorite plushy lying on their bed - like, ya know... that adorable seaweed doll that a baby quaggan handed me in thanks for saving their village on my first quest with Tybalt. Can pull up the normal inventory menu for quick convenience as well. A sign post with your title stands outside your home along with a list of all achievements and story progress. A wish list, to-do list, and diary could sit on their desk or nightstand or within a winding wall of built-in bookshelves containing collected guides and lore. The according work station that belongs to each character can be positioned anywhere around the vicinity of their home along with whatever other imagined interests that are unique to their player-given-attributes and backstory that make them who they are, separate from the rest. All your favorite things. Have other buildings besides your home as a library or cute lil’ markets hosting whatever your character is selling. I cannot express enough how much I crave to own any architecture or environmental appearance from any map in the game (have access to any binary code); mix and match to compose my perfect neck of the woods for each of them and ideally design my own stuff in and out that doesn’t yet exist in the game. Please give us a program to tweak and illustrate from scratch! ;_; Anywho...

All the while, I’d love for our characters to just wander around and do things (just for show) and actually show the motions: cook, eat, sleep, craft, fish, tend the farms and garden, bathe in the waterfalls, wash their clothes in the creek, shine their armor, sharpen their weapons, feed and play with their pets/mounts/minis, interact with the other characters, strategize over a table map, read books, write at their desk, meditate, etc... We can select a character and give them actions (like in sims)... even make them face us alone or round up the others for a group photo (or take candid while they’re conversing), this way I don't have to spend time trying to photoshop them together. When ready to actually play the game, you find your character, click on them, and select the option to return to wherever they’re parked in and they’ll set foot through an asuran portal. There’s so much more to be added the deeper you go and the more personal and realistic you make it. I think it’s safe to assume this’ll never become a thing, or at least to the magical extent I desire. But one can dream...

All the best,Nala Avalon

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@costepj.5120 said:If you're not familiar with the gw2efficiency site, you can generate an API key for your GW2 account and use it to view everything you listed + more.

Oh I hadn't heard of it, I don't think... I know I saw something on my phone similar to what I'm looking for, but not in its complexity. It was an app...but it wasn't made by Anet, so I wasn't sure if it could be trusted. I didn't want to just give out my account information. Thank you for the headway! I'll still go check it out :3 <3

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@Ossyrana.1637 said:

@costepj.5120 said:If you're not familiar with the gw2efficiency site, you can generate an API key for your GW2 account and use it to view everything you listed + more.

Oh I hadn't heard of it, I don't think... I know I saw something on my phone similar to what I'm looking for, but not in its complexity. It was an app...but it wasn't made by Anet, so I wasn't sure if it could be trusted. I didn't want to just give out my account information. Thank you for the headway! I'll still go check it out :3 <3

Yeah don't use your actual account information anywhere else than anet.If you go there https://account.arena.net/applicationsYou can generate an API key and use it on those apps or websites. So the website read anet server about your shareable information and display it to you. It's super handy.

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