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Equipment Templates and Skins(multi-gear) conflict.


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I've been looking forword to Build templates, to use them for easy switch between Dual Pistols and Rifle for my Deadeye. But infortunatly i've faced certain problem. I've made this thread here, because it is simply a small bug that can be fixed, or atleast option in setting added to change this behavior.From example of one of my characters.w4gNJJ4.pngI have two pieces of gear for Helm and Chest. And i change them for 'summer' maps, and 'winter' maps. Or simply when i am bored with one look, i switch to other one.Switching skins is easy, i have pieces of gear and if i equip one, another goes to inventory.bk0IiLk.pngBut problem is, that works only if your gear not used in multiple Equipment Templates. If it does, this happens:bF4HwfG.pngOnce i equip my alt gear from inventory for a gear piece that sits in two templates, it goes into Equipment Template without returning previous gear piece into inventory. All of my gear are of same stats, same infusions and so. I want Equipment Templates to be used as easy switch between Dual Pistols and Rifle. But it really creates alot of discomfort when it comes to switch gear skins. One solution to that, add Skin Templates. But another to simply make newly equipped gear pieces to replace previously equipped gear in all Equipment Templates where it's been used ( it can be checkbox option in settings, like for autoloot ).DelaVqN.pngI've been enjoying skin switch for a long time. Two alt gear pieces allowed me to spare transmutation charges. But to continue to enjoy it, i have no other choice but to use single Equipment Template. Please, add a remedy to this bug.

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@Linken.6345 said:Well you could buy a third equipment loadout aswell.And that is probabely what they want you to do to be honest.3rd equipment loadout will make it even worse, plus it will make even more difficult to switch weapons, not only just skins.Right now on this very character i find it more comfortable to use single template with manual switch of gear-skins and weapons. This character is my Open World\Fractal character. Gear for both modes are one and the same.

Filling 2nd or even 3rd template with gear will mean +5stat+9ar infusion farm for that character. Which is not reason enough, since manual change of weapons is less complicated.

Trait templates, on the other hand, works like charm here.

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@Taygus.4571 said:I don't think this is something they can change.

The more reason i find single gear template less cmplicated and more comfortable.

Also i want to hint in this thread for GW2 devs, that skins and weapons doesn't have fixated variations for my character, as shown above. Aside from rifle and dual pistols i have shortbow aswell.All the possible variations of gears and weapons are:

Assassin's Mask + Assassin's Coat + Dual pistols.Assassin's Mask + Assassin's Coat + Rifle.Assassin's Mask + Assassin's Coat + Shortbow.Assassin's Mask + Magitech Jerkin + Dual pistols.Assassin's Mask + Magitech Jerkin + Rifle.Assassin's Mask + Magitech Jerkin + Shortbow.Subterfuge Hood + Magitech Jerkin + Dual pistols.Subterfuge Hood + Magitech Jerkin + Rifle.Subterfuge Hood + Magitech Jerkin + Shortbow.

As you can see, nine possible variations of skins+weapons combo, not including the possible change of Dual Daggers. Even if i will be mad enough to buy all six Equipment Templates. it simply won't be enough. It is unfortunate, but Equipment Templates conflict with Fashion Wars =)

If gear equipped from inventory will replace previously equipped gear in all Equipment Templates where it's been used, then complication will be removed in heartbeat.

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@Linken.6345 said:Well I see then they want you to spend gold or cash on transmutation charges if you want to switch look that often mate =)

Oh boy :#I have two medium helms, and two medium chests. Same stats, same rune, same infusion. When i equip and re-equip them, it's jsut an effect of skins changing without the need of transmutation charge. You should try it if you don't use Outfit B)

And, since you brought up arena net's 'greed' into that thread. Conflict between 'Fashion Wars' and Equipment Templates described above stops me from buying more Equipment Templates. Deadeye is not my only character with interchangeable gear(skin) pieces. And in situation with Deadeye, single gear storage simply works better.

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