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[EU][PvE/X] Uncontestifying Pineapples [Nom] recruiting friendly active players!


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Heya! I'm a veteran EX-Hardcore player looking for a guild who does a little of everything but primarily PvE, might this one be it? I've been on a extended break to and from and been struggling to come back for a while now since 2018 due to burn out from heavy grinding and solo play most of all for so long, so I'm looking to make a comeback to the game since EoD but have been struggling with finding an active guild with plenty of people happy to do any PvX content!


I'm a friendly player who still remain semi HC when it comes to content and playstyle but I do love helping out less skilled / new players as well. As I mentioned I primarily do PvE content but I'm also an avid WvW player though my server is dead for now, I do dabble in PvP as well but not as frequently.


Looking forward to hearing from you,

Regards Chris!

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6 hours ago, Razorsharp Blade.9283 said:

Heya! I'm a veteran EX-Hardcore player looking for a guild who does a little of everything but primarily PvE, might this one be it? I've been on a extended break to and from and been struggling to come back for a while now since 2018 due to burn out from heavy grinding and solo play most of all for so long, so I'm looking to make a comeback to the game since EoD but have been struggling with finding an active guild with plenty of people happy to do any PvX content!


I'm a friendly player who still remain semi HC when it comes to content and playstyle but I do love helping out less skilled / new players as well. As I mentioned I primarily do PvE content but I'm also an avid WvW player though my server is dead for now, I do dabble in PvP as well but not as frequently.


Looking forward to hearing from you,

Regards Chris!

Hello xD

Invite sent WOOOOO Pineapples here we go

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I would be interested in joining the guild. I'm super casual and have been playing mostly solo and with a small group of friends, but it would be nice to maybe do some group content sometime with not entirely unfamiliar people. I'm always worried hc players will yell at me if I do something wrong, but you guys seem to have a friendly atmosphere. 🙂

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33 minutes ago, demise.9273 said:

I would be interested in joining the guild. I'm super casual and have been playing mostly solo and with a small group of friends, but it would be nice to maybe do some group content sometime with not entirely unfamiliar people. I'm always worried hc players will yell at me if I do something wrong, but you guys seem to have a friendly atmosphere. 🙂


Hey there! I've sent you an invite, welcome 😄

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Hey! My friend got me into Guild Wars a couple months ago, and I recently hit 80 with my first character. I'm in the US, but play on the EU server with my friends. I'd love to start trying out some group content with you guys, especially if you're night owls!

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8 hours ago, soup.8302 said:

Hey! My friend got me into Guild Wars a couple months ago, and I recently hit 80 with my first character. I'm in the US, but play on the EU server with my friends. I'd love to start trying out some group content with you guys, especially if you're night owls!

Hello there!


We have a few night owls!

I have sent an invite to yeself!

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greetings! new player is here. just started my gearing. there are so many content in this game , seems like i need more expirienced players to guide me time to time. i would like to join your guild if you have free slots for newbies 😄 cheers!

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1 hour ago, Adonaj.7932 said:

greetings! new player is here. just started my gearing. there are so many content in this game , seems like i need more expirienced players to guide me time to time. i would like to join your guild if you have free slots for newbies 😄 cheers!

Hello there!


Ofc we can send you an invite. 

Actually i'll send one now 🙂

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On 6/9/2022 at 9:39 AM, Hironimus.1345 said:

hi there, place for one more in your pineapple community? i am also one of those who need a bit of guidance and achievable goals after finishing my story! feeling a bit lost in this big game and i was hoping a nice and friendly guild would help!


Of course 😄 Sorry for the late reply ~

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1 hour ago, Lavatail.6542 said:

Hi, I'm a returning player looking for a guild to get back into the game.
You guys seem like a friendly bunch so would be amazing if there was still an open spot in the guild :D.


Of course! I'll get someone to send you an invite 😄 welcome!

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4 hours ago, Vic.4920 said:

Hello Guys,

New (or maybe returning , got the base game 7 years ago and played for ~10 hr) looking for a guild.

I'm still taking my time in leveling if it's OK.



Of course! I've sent you an invite in-game 🙂

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