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I really love the wintersday jp . . .


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I look forward to the wintersday jp all year and was really discouraged to see in the patch notes that the rewards had been nerfed, but ofc I still ran it a bunch anyway and it's so great I just wanted to post and say so :) It's really well designed with the tiny little changes to the snowball sequencing from instance to instance forcing subtle alterations to your best path. I'm probably overwhelmed by its brilliance atm but I'm tempted to say it may be the best thing in the whole game :)

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@Gop.8713 said:I look forward to the wintersday jp all year and was really discouraged to see in the patch notes that the rewards had been nerfed, but ofc I still ran it a bunch anyway and it's so great I just wanted to post and say so :) It's really well designed with the tiny little changes to the snowball sequencing from instance to instance forcing subtle alterations to your best path. I'm probably overwhelmed by its brilliance atm but I'm tempted to say it may be the best thing in the whole game :)

Some of the best content in the game by far, imo. I do it every year and way more times than I should.

Something about the Wintersday Jumping puzzle just works for me, I can run it endlessly and have fun. Even during years the awards sucked I still logged in and tried to get better at it. Racing other people who are good at it really gets my adrenaline flowing.

My Christmas Wish would be to have more puzzles like the Wintersday puzzle. I like the Clocktower, but it doesn't keep me coming back like the Wintersday puzzle. A true masterpiece.

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It's weird how I absoulutely despise JPs in general but just love the Clocktower and Winter Wonderland. I think it has to do with the flow. While most JPs are full of finicky little trick jumps the tower and WW are more twitchy and fast paced and don't require you to annoyingly run back to the start when you fail.

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