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Could we get a defensive support warrior spec?


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@Yasai.3549 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Shout Healers exist.

People need to get it out of their head that a "support" must be able to spit out boons like crazy.

No, Warriors can "support" just fine by shout-healing, Phalanx Strength and being a CC truck.

They exist, but they are not really on par with any other support. I also specifically talked against boon spam so I'm not one of those "people", I agree with you. I mean it might be just fine if this was pre-HoT but right now it's laughable it comparison to other professions's support options. This may be more a case of the other supports doing too much but even with nerfs I'm sure they will still out preform it. I'm a primarily sPvP (some wvw) player so I can't speak to it's spot in instanced content and how well shout heal preforms there.

That's because of one reason.

Boons are too powerful

It's nothing new, and people have talked about it for a long loong time.

Boons are super powerful to the point, most matchups end up to see who can outboon and strip boons better.

This was made even clearer with the appearance of Boonbeasts in both sPvP and WvW roaming.

perma boon uptime is RIDICULOUS.

And the painful fact is that, yu can't just "nerf boons" too.Alot of PvE elements actually rely on boon output to successfully and comfortably clear content.

Nerfing boons will nerf an entire gamemode, one which is significantly more populated that sPvP or WvW.

That is why splits exist.

Either reduce the base durations in competitive modes or double the amount of concentration needed in those modes.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@GROMIT.7829 said:We do, it's called the Gaurdian

Some people want a 19k base HP Guardian wielding yellow magic, as opposed to 12k base HP and blue magic.

Or less magic, just a more viable support role. The only thing they did for making VS or PS better was adding in mender's might, which is a selfish thing.

I didn't mean everyone in favour of a defensive Warrior Elite spec.

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