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New Meta causes crashes

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The new meta crashed not only me, but everyone in the squad. I tried to get back onto that toon but it kept on DCing me right after the character screen. Eventually I got back onto that character but by then the meta had failed. From what I've heard in map chat, it has been doing this to players all day! I was trying to complete the story T_T.

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Yes, that has been my experience too.

The game client seems otherwise fine and solid. But going near the Drakar fight is a risky proposition. I have attempted the fight 5 times now, plus several attempts to get back to the fight after a crash. The end result is one of two things: 1) on two occasions I got back to a different instance of the fight because my original one was full, but the fight failed because there weren't enough people; or 2) it crashes immediately or part way through the fight (once when Boss was at 10%!!!). This has been beyond frustrating. It seems to be down to the numbers. If there are enough people present to beat the boss, it also equals enough people to crash the game client.

On two occasions the crash was so absolute that I didn't even get that error message box (the one where you can add a note to ANet support). One second the game is running and then it's simply gone... and I'm staring at the desktop thinking WTF???

Until a fix comes out, this boss fight is unplayable for me. Every other aspect of the game is fine. Though I've seen a recent report that Tequatl has also started suffering from the same (or similar) problem. I can't confirm that, as I haven't done Teq since the new content dropped. And I don't fancy trying as I've had enough teeth grinding annoyance for one week thank you.

Footnote: I always clear out the game cache after any crash and I have done a clean reinstall of the client too. No change. I also checked the Windows error logs and there was often no log entry to indicate that a problem had occurred. The client crash hadn't even registered.

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Yeah I had one crash on this map too but in general I saw the meta only once running even when I was nearly 2 hours on the map the new map is just a pain so many mastery points locked behind complex achievements where you need other people to help you with is and you need look up where those events starts.(and for some PoIs similar game) Basically HoT all over again.

I general I think we start to see what happened when you fire senior developers which aren't easy to replace.

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