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Achievement overgrinds are getting to me


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@"Rauderi.8706" said:No participation achievement should take 10-20 hours to complete. For one achievement. Things like "raven shrines 20 times" when those events only come around once every two hours is ridiculous. It's not considerate of our time, both in the amount of time expected to grind out the achievement, and the time to wait for them.I don't think they either expect you to grind them out nor to wait for them to happen. If you just play on the maps whenever you feel like it, preferably with different characters in different circumstances, most of these achievements complete organically, without grind or waiting. There really is no need to complete them asap or to treat them like a shopping list you have follow step by step at the exclusion of everything else, unless you want to (in which case it's your choice to grind them that way).

And the same goes for the "tee hee, we hid forty items in little nooks and crannies in this huge zone, go find them~* achievements. The achievement may as well read "Bjora Wiki Reader" because that's what most of the players are going to do.This complaint has been heard before for different collections, most memorable the Skyscale, but I still doubt it's "most" players that skip them by using guides (although I can easily believe that most of the vocal ones do). To me, those collections are very well done, because it's something that gets me to explore and figure things out on my own, or collaborate with friends on the last ones missing. I loved the Skyscale collections (did them all with a friend, without any guides whatsovere and actually was kind of sad we got the whole thing done in under a week), and found the Bjora ones well-made, too, and easily doable without guide. If you want to skip those kinds of collections by using guides go ahead, nobody is stopping you, but don't underestimate the number of us that play this game for exploration and puzzles rather than just putting checkmarks on a shopping list.

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