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I have tried the new mesmer build and its OP


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@Rickster.8752 said:I say this as someone who has played mesmer. Energy sigils cancel out the 1 dodge thing. And the build have too much evasion.

My suggestion:

Make axes of symmetry less busted. It breaks targetting, evades, is a leap finisher, has a short cd (15s) and applies a ton of confusion. An insane skill.Make signet of illusions have a longer cooldownIncrease blurred frenzy cooldownMake magic bullet give less confusion (it is overloaded)

Condi spam and evasion spam needs to end now.


Maybe relax. There are skilled people that play mirage too.

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@"Rickster.8752" said:I say this as someone who has played mesmer. Energy sigils cancel out the 1 dodge thing. And the build have too much evasion.

My suggestion:

Make axes of symmetry less busted. It breaks targetting, evades, is a leap finisher, has a short cd (15s) and applies a ton of confusion. An insane skill.Make signet of illusions have a longer cooldownIncrease blurred frenzy cooldownMake magic bullet give less confusion (it is overloaded)

Condi spam and evasion spam needs to end now.

This is a hilarious post "just build your entire class trying to get your 2nd dodge back, and lets nerf the rest of your damage skills for good measure, I need some ez mesmer kills to pad my K:D ratio"

Why do people like this exist?

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Every time I try posting LF 2v2 plat1Some dude in gold1 or less party invites me and me being stupidly naive I don't realize they are shit rating until like 4 minutes later just before the queue pops and I have to cancel.

The majority of gw2 players are silver - gold 2 players. Why do you think they qq so much?

U barely ever see any posts like " hey guys I've been having issues with X class what can I do to improve? What are their weakness? I play Y build".

A lot of people in shit rating think their opinions are facts.

Also, this .. OP dude is posting a build about condi mirage and only tested it in wvw with energy sigils and then posts it in spvp thread. Genius.

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