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Dynamic We Want To Preserve On Our Mains - Alternative Approach To Nerf Threads

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Example:

I've gone through phases of maining Guardian, Warrior, Necromancer, Thief, but mostly always Ranger.
  1. Why I like Ranger
    - The reason why I like Ranger so much, is because it has a great blend of melee to mid range to long range play. For me, it isn't even about the pets. I like dealing large damage on a ranged approach, and closing in for high risk high reward melee play. I like how all the attacks are designed on the weapon kits, as well as the utilities, it jives with me. I like the specializations and the particular way they can be synergized for different builds as compared to other classes. Some classes may be more powerful, but Ranger has always been more versatile. There is something about this one class, that regardless of the build or specializations I run, the mechanics feel good to me.
  2. What I want to see maintained
    - There are lots of Ranger nerf threads going on, which I'm not going to address any of that in here. Rather I will address what is important to me as a Ranger main, to see maintained. I want the class to maintain substantial ranged pressure that matters. I don't care how glass cannon the build has to be for this to work, it just needs to work. Having high pressure ranged is what makes a Ranger feel like a Ranger. I want it to maintain a relatively strong 1v1 melee presence. It doesn't need to be as strong as a Warrior, but it needs to be capable of dealing with such archetypes. Most non-ranger players don't realize that playing a glass cannon Ranger build is high risk high reward. You either kill the opponent 1v1 very quickly, or he kills you very quickly. If we are talking about more sustainable builds, let's say a Wild/Beast/Soul wearing Paladin/Resistance, the raw sustain being balanced is definitely in question. But see for me, I'm not talking about that.
    I am a Ranger main who likes to play high pressure builds, and that is what I want to see maintained.
    If I want to roll something sustainy, I use other classes. I like to use Ranger for high risk high reward 1v1ing, and DPS + Decap roles. That's just what I like.
    (Now about Druid - Yeah, it was destroyed. It can sort of be viable with odd builds during weird counter 2v2s, but it really is not viable at all right now in the face of the stronger forming meta. Aside from all of that, what I would have wanted to see maintained on Druid, was its ability to sustain and bunker 1v2s, and actually have kill potential in 1v1s. Yeah I said it, I want it to be a Bunker again. I had come to greatly enjoy the iconic playstyle of the Bunker Druid over the years. And I very much so enjoyed swapping between Bunker Druid for side node play, or DPS Soulbeast for DPS + Decap role. I don't want a rework on Druid to be a Team Support. I want it to be a Bunker again.)
  3. What I wouldn't mind seeing changed
    - Everyone is still complaining about Ranger damage output on both the pet and the Ranger. Honestly, I would rather see hits in sustain factor. I'd have no problem at all losing bruiser/brawler status. Again, for me Core Ranger/Soulbeast had always been about Mobile DPS + Role. Druid was the spec that I used for sustain play.

I feel the same way as you but I think we need to specify which spec we're talking about to clarify.

  1. Core Ranger, I like to see as a brawly bruiser. It can still do this, but it will drop completely out of viable if too many pet nerfs hit. The Core Ranger truly relies more on its pet play than the Soulbeast or Druid.
  2. Soulbeast, I just want it to maintain its high potential for mobility/DPS bursting. <- That's what makes the difference between a Core Ranger and a Soulbeast. Soulbeast can get away with pet nerfs. However it will not be able to get away with too much direct DPS nerfing to the Soulbeast. The only thing the Soulbeast has is burst potential. If this is nerfed too much, it won't be able to front enough attrition play to keep up with other classes that are currently winning the gradual attrition wars. Burst potential is the only thing that allows a Soulbeast to dangerous.
  3. Druid, I liked it to be a bunker that could win 1v1s through gradual attrition play. This is gone now. A Druid is now a 1v1 like anything else is. It gets destroyed with 2v1 focus more easily than other specs right now, actually. And honestly it's just bad right now. Some people are going to come in here and say: "Condi Druid is strong right now" but it just isn't true in the face of some of the other stronger metas that are forming. Druid is now a dead spec in spvp at this point. The options provided through amulets/runes/sigils are not stated in the areas that they need to be, to make Druid competitive any longer. In WvW however, You can still make Druid builds that can win 1vX.

All of the above, how it is and what I wish it would be again, could all change drastically with this new patching and all of the suggestions currently being thrown around this forum. That's why I wrote this thread up. I figured it would be an important time for players to let the devs know what they want the patching to keep, rather than remove.

I can understand i played druid multiple matches and gotta say it was my fav ranger spec, more so than core ranger.

IF I was to come back to the ranger, I'd much prefer to play support druid.

I know a lot of you guys won't agree with me, but i had the most fun using CA presuring folks healing folks and trying to offensively push people off nodes.

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