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Nerfs hit Rev harder than any other class (PvP focused)


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It's natural to call for meta builds to be nerfed. You see it happen in just about any competitive game. In this game however, the Renenant class feels the impacts of those nerfs far more severely than any other class.

Revenants cannot change their utilities. What we get is tied to our legends. If Shiro overperforms, and Anet decides to nerf shiro. We cannot say "that's okay we'll simply swap out this nerfed utility for another" We're stuck using that utility whether we like it or not. What this typically means is that if a utility is too weak to warrant using, it sits as a dead space on our skill bar. Either you suck it up and run the nerfed skill, or you forgo using that legend entirely.

Compounding the issue, Revenant has an extremely limited pool of weapons. If you run power Herald/core rev, you run Sword/Sword. If sword gets nerefed, you're not just nerfing one weapon option. You're nerfing every power Herald/core build that currently exists. We are not warriors. We do not have a broad arsenal of weapons at our disposal that we can swap to if one of them happens to get the nerf bat (cough hammer cough).

Why do renegade builds still run staff despite the gutting that it got? (Inturrupt removed on skill 2. Skill 5 is nonfunctional due to the self root and the fact that you cannot reposition it during the channel.) It's not because Staff is a strong weapon. It's because staff is the only defensive weapon it has.

If anyone in Anet just so happens to read this, I suggest keeping this in mind before slapping Rev with another round of nerfs. Either be careful how you go about it, or consider compensating the Rev in some way. Perhaps consider buffing legends like Jalis and Ventari which are currently underperforming.

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If I can play against Gods of PvP and Bests of the best as core Revenant in all sorts and come out victorious about half half including the solo encounters, I'm fairly certain the class is fine still. Bringing the 2v2 ideals here, every single classes that dominated were those who used things that dodged the patch.

The fact barely any players can't maximize the very core mechanic of the profession shows how misunderstood it is, I know from experience not only fighting Heralds all the time, but those who attempt Core always give up. The amount of players can be counted on my fingers where it comes to playing Core.

Don't buff Jalis, it doesn't need it. I'm 100% confident it's L2P issues with it.Ventari if anything can be in need of a stunbreak at best, otherwise it's extremely strong.Glint needs to be an anti-burst skill with 2 seconds of active as it carries too much otherwise, it'll still be above average in proper uses.Hammer is a dire need of bug fix, as otherwise still works.Shield was a great tool and is even better now given Chilling Isolation hits quite harder, comparably to Deathstrike if fully critical. Aside needing a more teamwork oriented function to the 5th skill, it's a solid bruiser weapon.

Tell you why Staff is preferred though, we need Duelist Preparation back. Also we have a limited amount of weapon because they all do the job specifically well enough, the only lack being a main hand range weapon which is probably coming soon as a trade off given how deadly Revenant is at close quarters, giving it such permission to be at range would be extremely unfair.

Yes, nerfs hit harder. Those were still justified and haven't killed the profession afaik since I'm not really having any issues aside /BUGS/ in skills and traits.

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You're missing the point of my post. I'm not saying Rev currently needs buffs. I'm saying that if Anet decides to overreact to it's current stance in the meta by slapping it with harsh nerfs, It will feel those nerfs, and it will have a harder time adapting to the changes than any other proffession. Hence my suggestion, be careful how you nerf Rev. Be sure to hit the right things and only nerf as much as necessary.

Sheild is in an okay spot now, mainly due to Condi herald carrying it, but it could still use a rework of some sort. It has virtually no use in PvE. Decent at best in PvP.

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As I slipped in shortly in my edit because I forgot to add it. Nerfs on Revs are broader but the ones we got lately didn't really kill it as of yet.

Quoting my Wishlist post;

  • Envoy of Exuberance is.. Alright, but please make the hitbox bigger, move faster as well as fixing Aegis blocking the skill.. Also the sending/returning energy to grant Protection consistently from to teammates/users, it has potent uses but those needs to be polished.
  • Crystal Hybernation with such a big root might as well maybe make blocking 4 seconds, just like the same amount of pulses (Not sure on that one). Those pulses should also affect allies in a radius of 360, make Herald be more supportive oriented so that most can finally stop complaining at how selfish of a skill it is even though there's many like it in the game.

Shield being carried is a bit overblown, pairing well with Infuse Light is more like the situation here. Like I mentioned, back then with Precision Strikes it was definitely awful for any Power builds wanting to have kill potential because Staff was the next thing that actually hit hard and meanwhile Hammer was still broken for a while but was also a great alternative as all skills paired with Intelligence dealt a BIG amount of damage.

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