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Can't get the Mystery Cave, Silverwastes, LW2

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I'm doing the last episode of LW2, the Mystery Cave, and I just can't get it. I have a lvl 80 guardian with all of the Dragonhunter elite traits, and I'm using longbow and scepter/torch for ranged attacks; I've also tried longbow with sword/focus and sword/shield. I admit that I am not the most coordinated player, but trying to dodge bombs, rocks, and dragon-smashing in a very small area seems impossible. I've gotten as far as getting the divine light ring all lit, which brings the dragon to the center for the final kill only to find out that FOUR smothering shadows spawn to kill the light and I find myself back to Square One killing tendrils. Visual overload. I've looked up youtube videos, etc., but I'm feeling very frustrated. Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!

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You need to pick up the divine fire twice when the shadows spawn: the first time in order to kill the shadow (you can only deal damage to it while under the effect of the divine fire!), the second time to light a spot. This needs to be done repeatedly, and if you do it right, none of the fires will get extinguished by a shadow, because you kill each of them before they can reach a lit spot. :)

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The shadows have to be killed twice, once when you are lighting the fires (a single shadow goes after the one you just lit, so stand in the divine fire to kill it; ok, got that) and again when the dragon comes up from underground in the center. FOUR shadows spawn, and if you don't kill them all, the fires go out and you have to start over.

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@Shena Fu.5792 said:Smothering Shadows only appear when you are trying to create a ring of fire for the second time. they don't appear nor matter while you're fighting the boss. you are mistaking the other types of shadows, which won't affect the achievement.

I'm sorry, but that IS what happens. I got as far as killing the boss, next thing I know smothering shadows appeared and doused the flames and I'm back to the beginning having to kill tendrils.

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@Ardyth.9286 said:

@Shena Fu.5792 said:Smothering Shadows only appear when you are trying to create a ring of fire for the second time. they don't appear nor matter while you're fighting the boss. you are mistaking the other types of shadows, which won't affect the achievement.

I'm sorry, but that IS what happens. I got as far as killing the boss, next thing I know smothering shadows appeared and doused the flames and I'm back to the beginning having to kill tendrils.

Unless your DPS is high enough you have to go through the cycle a few times. The fires eventually go out on their own even without the shadows dousing them.

And yes, sometimes the mission does seem like it's trolling you.

It does seem like you're reaching the end of wanting to play that mission. Are you on NA or EU region wise? If you want help, I'm available if you're on NA.

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I'm on the NA server, and I apologize for my tone and attitude. Up to now I've been a fairly casual occasional player, but with this character I find myself caring, very much, about her success, and it's the first time I've methodically worked through the story. I will shut up now and listen to the masters...8 0

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@Ardyth.9286 said:I'm on the NA server, and I apologize for my tone and attitude. Up to now I've been a fairly casual occasional player, but with this character I find myself caring, very much, about her success, and it's the first time I've methodically worked through the story. I will shut up now and listen to the masters...8 0

I totally get that mission being one to invoke frustration.

Went through it a few times with a little difficulty because my DPS isn't the best. Don't care about meta and generally can't be bothered to learn a rotation unless it's a very simple one.

The last time I went through it between my skill level and the RNG of where the flame would land and timing of that and to the dragon's ttacks, I swear the game was trolling me. Dragon was attacking the same spot twice in a row. And it would always happen right as the flame was being tossed into a spot guaranteed to get me blown up by one of the plant bombs.

And this wasn't even a main! I was going through the story to get the map currencies because I can't stand farming for stuff for very long.

My offer of help still stands, though. I am currently in game so feel free to send me a message in game if you want help and I can switch to a character that can go through it. Currently leveling a character and they're no where near close enough to be helpful.

Edit: Not in game at the moment, but feel free to send me a message either here on the forum or in game if you need help.

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Just knowing that I was misinterpreting things and not understanding the sequence of events was enough to push me through to final success. Thank you, everyone, and again, I apologize for my attitude. I'm learning how beneficial patience and perseverance are in this game.

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