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Bunker tempest and constant cc.


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@Tayga.3192 said:I am talking about a specific family of builds (aurashare support tempest), not tempest in general.

Why shouldn't aurashare be allowed to [off-]bunker?

In a 1v1, the boons Tempest gains from granting itself an aura or starting an overload will let you know how to deal with it due to the traits mentioned above.

In a 2v2 / xvx, letting an elementalist channel for four seconds when its defenses are not particularly high, on one stack of stability at best deserves a solid punish. Getting swarmed by shocking auras is suitable for that.

It's annoying, yes, but not only is shocking aura telegraphed, so is their major source of it. Finishing a four second channel is insane.

@Tayga.3192 said:Why should tempest be able to kill you while slotting at least 2 defensive traitlines + mender amulet + defensive rune?

They can't. If you don't stow and eat shocking aura knowing full well that its coming after overload air, that isn't really their fault. Outside of that they have little chase potential. You can disengage whenever you want to heal, and they can't sit on a point with the build and stall you forever.

Tempest was never good against getting hard pressured even with overpowered cleric amulet.

It still isnt.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:Why shouldn't aurashare be allowed to [off-]bunker?It's not a bunker, it's a support. That's like giving healers in other games a lot of self defense. We already have healer-tank hybrids (in terms of CC) called supports, no need to mix them even more. Especially considering that I'm talking about a specific build family (aurashare support tempest). If you take like all the self sustain stuff of course you should be able to bunker.

@Tayga.3192 said:Why should tempest be able to kill you while slotting at least 2 defensive traitlines + mender amulet + defensive rune?They can't. If you don't stow and eat shocking aura knowing full well that its coming after overload air, that isn't really their fault. Outside of that they have little chase potential. You can disengage whenever you want to heal, and they can't sit on a point with the build and stall you forever.Yea that's what I said, it can't and it shouldn't unless they build for damage instead of support.

I don't get it, I mean the only problem is long duration AoE shocking aura. I'm all in for shorter duration shocking auras with shorter cooldowns.

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