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Ranked pvp and pre-made only


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Hey everyone, I don't know what your experience with ranked arenas has been like but I think the rng component of "whom I'm going to end up in team with" is way too much decisive about the outcome of the match. Basically most of the time I feel like I'm just pulling a lever hoping my teammates will care about about team-fight and will be able to play their profession properly. This gets kind of annoying when, for example, my purpose is pushing rating: it's no longer up to me whether we're going to lose or win the game, not that it could completely be up to me in a 5v5 match, but most of the times it feels like my commitment in the arena doesn't matter as much as getting lucky and finding another 4 people who want to win the game and know how to do it. For instance let A be a guy queuing ranked matches with a new born level 2 character he has zero experience with and since he keeps on the new born char the same accout wide rating he is gold 1, what about B C D E who are basically going to play 4 v 5? And what if after that B doesn't want to play with A any more? We have no control over something that is clearly very important, our team. B can only hope he wont get in the same team with A again, or anyone alike: there's nothing B can do prevent it. Clearly at the current status of the game the full pre-made implementation would turn up into a bigger problem due to the lack of balance.

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Not sure where you are going with this; feels unfinished.Ranked should just be solo, but also needs to make more "fair" matchups/need more population (the viscious circle).ATs should be where the competitive team play happens, or some special version of ranked queue, as it never makes sense to me the concept of a team queue with individual leaderboards/not locked teams.

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Thorstienn.1642 the point being I don't want to play with A... and I don't want it to happen multiple times in a row. The current matchmaking system i think balances very well the teams (in regard of the professions played). Yes, the vicious circle is another actual issue. Have a look at the WoW 's ranked pvp system, you get to pick whom you're playing with in the LF group and the rating is personal. That system works there, and something alike would work here as well, why should it be limited to the ATs only?

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@Darainos.6507 said:That system works there, and something alike would work here as well, why should it be limited to the ATs only?

Arenanet's official response is pretty much the same there.

ATs are for teamplay

Ranked is for dominating a bunch of SoloQs in the off-hours with just one other friend.

The general idea seems to be that nobody will want to play ATs if they have the option to play as a team in Ranked, despite them being two totally different things.

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