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What is this rollback?

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@MKJO.8970 said:

@Dami.5046 said:I don't know why you lot think being mad, angry, rude, offensive will make things suddenly better or quicker.Roll backs don't just suddenly happen.Someone would of had to have done it, be it accidentally..and it's not an easy thing to sort out 1000's of accounts, and judging by the delay in getting things up and running and feed back, it's a serious issue.You really think they want to have this downtime? I'm sure they are working their butts off.

I lost stuff too, but it's a game. Things happen.I feel sorry for the all the kitten this company gets.Do you want to play this game or not, because if not why are you even on these forums?

We all get it; it is no small task to fix this issue. Also I have played the game since the launch of GW1 Prophecies, and the way the GW2 team have handled this issue is foreign to me. It is completely unacceptable to leave your customers in the dark! This is ofcause no excuse for us to treat Anet with rudeness and aggresive behaviour. But really.. Can you blame people (especially as customers)? It is without any doubt a natural human reaction to uncertainty. I truly believe that uncertainty is a huge "fear-impowerment", and therefore leads to the way we react.

SHAME ON YOU, for shaming us. People are in their good right to be frustrated.
  • I am usually not the guy who enters forum discussions, but your disrespect really triggered me.

I apologize for my bad spelling+grammar.

I wish you a good day.

The biggest problem here is that the majority of the GW2 playerbase actually thinks like that guy. This is why we have overpriced items on TP and latency issues in WvW and populated PoF maps, among other things - the majority of the players apparently support all that. It's... unbelievable. Really unbelievable.

You have no idea what I support or don't support, and i certainly don't pride myself on supporting a company who has laggy servers, bad skill balance and high priced shop items.So don't try to be smart putting words into my mouth or anyone elses. It's like me saying no one is 100% happy with the game. i'm sure some are.I just learn to roll with the punches that is all.Be thankful this is a one off, some games i have played had maintenance every week and often were off line all day in the event of problems with patches. This would of been EU time.Not shaming anyone lol, didn't say any names but honestly being rude isn't going to speed it up, chill!I am as frustrated as you are.peace.

I wouldn't pride myself on supporting such a company either, that's why, unlike you, I voice my displeasure whenever I believe criticism is due.

How many times (if at all) have you sent feedback to Anet? How many times did you tell them that an item on TP is priced too high or that a mission or quest is too difficult or too easy or just too confusing to do? Submitting feedback does not mean congratulating them on doing what they're doing, feedback should, in essence, be critical, yet constructive on what you, as a player of their game, believe they should do to improve their services. Which is exactly what I've done in my posts, yet still received your WKBS.

You do whatever you want to do, it's not my business if you decide to just "roll with the punches" and swallow everything that gets thrown your way. If that's how you want to approach the products you've bought with your own money, so be it.

I am interested why you took my comment personally when I didn't tag you or quote.


It's because you don't fully understand what I said. My post is not meant just for
, but people
you, which is, based on the comments on Twitter and on the forums, the majority of this game's playerbase.

I didn't even read your post, btw to start.
People like me? You mean calm individuals who probably understand no game is 100% and the company concerned are doing all they can.They probably aren't even reading the posts anyway.

I do not understand. What sets your comments apart from the others?

Your wording has an undertone that players who give feedback or express their frustration are not rational people?

lol, what?yeah i'm bored, tell me when i said any of those things?

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@Thel.9087 said:

@binx.6983 said:almost 24 hours, without any news whatsoever, an ETA would be really nice

Last update was posted around 6h ago.

i said news and ETA thats not news already saw that, like progres and stuff

And they told you in the 2nd post they didn't have an ETA. Anyway, it just ended 1 min ago (according to the post Stéphanie just made).

@"Dami.5046" saidI didn't even read your post, btw to start.shrugsPeople like me? You mean calm individuals who probably understand no game is 100% and the company concerned are doing all they can.They probably aren't even reading the posts anyway.

No offense but I don't see how a biased thinking like yours is "calm" in any way at all. This doesn't apply only to that rollback issue but also to PvP/Raids pugs/LoL's ranked criticism from both sides etc.

biased in what sense?I am calm.

I also know shouting the odds rudely wouldn't make this problem get solved any faster, that's all.But if doing so makes you feel better then so be it, i'm not telling people what to do.What a fuss over nothing.

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@Dami.5046 said:

@Dami.5046 said:I don't know why you lot think being mad, angry, rude, offensive will make things suddenly better or quicker.Roll backs don't just suddenly happen.Someone would of had to have done it, be it accidentally..and it's not an easy thing to sort out 1000's of accounts, and judging by the delay in getting things up and running and feed back, it's a serious issue.You really think they want to have this downtime? I'm sure they are working their butts off.

I lost stuff too, but it's a game. Things happen.I feel sorry for the all the kitten this company gets.Do you want to play this game or not, because if not why are you even on these forums?

We all get it; it is no small task to fix this issue. Also I have played the game since the launch of GW1 Prophecies, and the way the GW2 team have handled this issue is foreign to me. It is completely unacceptable to leave your customers in the dark! This is ofcause no excuse for us to treat Anet with rudeness and aggresive behaviour. But really.. Can you blame people (especially as customers)? It is without any doubt a natural human reaction to uncertainty. I truly believe that uncertainty is a huge "fear-impowerment", and therefore leads to the way we react.

SHAME ON YOU, for shaming us. People are in their good right to be frustrated.
  • I am usually not the guy who enters forum discussions, but your disrespect really triggered me.

I apologize for my bad spelling+grammar.

I wish you a good day.

The biggest problem here is that the majority of the GW2 playerbase actually thinks like that guy. This is why we have overpriced items on TP and latency issues in WvW and populated PoF maps, among other things - the majority of the players apparently support all that. It's... unbelievable. Really unbelievable.

You have no idea what I support or don't support, and i certainly don't pride myself on supporting a company who has laggy servers, bad skill balance and high priced shop items.So don't try to be smart putting words into my mouth or anyone elses. It's like me saying no one is 100% happy with the game. i'm sure some are.I just learn to roll with the punches that is all.Be thankful this is a one off, some games i have played had maintenance every week and often were off line all day in the event of problems with patches. This would of been EU time.Not shaming anyone lol, didn't say any names but honestly being rude isn't going to speed it up, chill!I am as frustrated as you are.peace.

I wouldn't pride myself on supporting such a company either, that's why, unlike you, I voice my displeasure whenever I believe criticism is due.

How many times (if at all) have you sent feedback to Anet? How many times did you tell them that an item on TP is priced too high or that a mission or quest is too difficult or too easy or just too confusing to do? Submitting feedback does not mean congratulating them on doing what they're doing, feedback should, in essence, be critical, yet constructive on what you, as a player of their game, believe they should do to improve their services. Which is exactly what I've done in my posts, yet still received your WKBS.

You do whatever you want to do, it's not my business if you decide to just "roll with the punches" and swallow everything that gets thrown your way. If that's how you want to approach the products you've bought with your own money, so be it.

I am interested why you took my comment personally when I didn't tag you or quote.


It's because you don't fully understand what I said. My post is not meant just for
, but people
you, which is, based on the comments on Twitter and on the forums, the majority of this game's playerbase.

I didn't even read your post, btw to start.
People like me? You mean calm individuals who probably understand no game is 100% and the company concerned are doing all they can.They probably aren't even reading the posts anyway.

I do not understand. What sets your comments apart from the others?

Your wording has an undertone that players who give feedback or express their frustration are not rational people?

lol, what?yeah i'm bored, tell me when i said any of those things?

I am only curious on why your response says; "..calm individuals who probably understand no game is 100% and the company concerned are doing all they can."

Which is pretty much a description of you beeing of reasonable and having a logical approach. Hence the definition of 'rational'.

Your comment has an undertone of the rest of us (not beeing 'people like you' - refer previous Liquid Storm comment) are not rational people.

Your passive aggressive behavior is insultning me a bit.

But yeah, lets just leave it here.. Seems like we have a bit too much time at our hands, lol.

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Took me a few tries to log back in (kept getting network errors), probably because I was logged in at the time it crashed, but I'm up and running again. Thankfully the one thing I cared most about is returned: the SAB achievement I got on Sunday :p Didn't want to wait another year to finally finish that one!

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Well, I can't even log into a character at all... I can reach the character selection screen, chose one, the game starts loading, then I get kicked and asked to verify my internet connection, which of course works fine... Error code : 1083:5:7:1596:101

Tried 3 different characters, including one that shouldn't have been affected by rollback at all, and none can log in.

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@Uriel Stormrider.3150 said:Well, I can't even log into a character at all... I can reach the character selection screen, chose one, the game starts loading, then I get kicked and asked to verify my internet connection, which of course works fine... Error code : 1083:5:7:1596:101

Tried 3 different characters, including one that shouldn't have been affected by rollback at all, and none can log in.

I actually have the same issue. Interesting. I guess my internet connection isn't the best in the world, but it did work before the roll-back. Guess I'll just try again tomorrow. And maybe in another room, closer to the router... Or someting like that >.> However, good to see that it works for some of you!

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