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Winds of disenchantment weird high dmg.


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Hey everyone,

I have a genuine question about the spellbreakers ultimate, my guildies and me were raiding the other night and we got in a fight with another guild.I do not know if it was a bug or not, but is it possible that the winds of disenchantment can do 6k dmg in one tick?The logs showed it for us that it happened and i am more curious that how such a thing can be possible?

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It would require maximum investment into Power, Berserker gear, runes of the scholar, Warrior's cunning with the target having barrier, procing Berserker's Power, Peak Performance, and either the impact or night sigil. WoD hits for 53 damage plus 20% scaling with power, so maximizing power will give you a 1k tick. 250% crit damage modifier makes it 2.5k, Warrior's Cunning turns that into 3.75k, Berserker's Power increases it to 4.5k. Then you take into account all the small bonus from things like scholar runes (5%), PP (~10%), Force Sigil (5%), and Impact/Night Sigil (~10%) and you end up with 6k on a crit. That would be a Tactics/Strength/SpB build. Since most GvG or ZvZ there is barrier there for protection you end up proccing Warrior's Cunning for 50% more damage, otherwise it would have been a 4k crit, 5k if you were above 90% hp and without barrier.

So Bull's Charge in, Arcing Slice/Full Counter, Bubble, Collect bags.

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@snarfrificus.4230 said:HOLY 0_0 thnx for the answer.

NP. You don't usually see those number btw. Most Spellbreakers running bubble run defense stats so they live long enough to strip boons. If you play with the modifier's you may be able to drop BP for MMR and gain healing through mass might generation and keep doing 6k WoD procs.

This is probably a great example of where Anet needed to put a cap on added damage modifiers rather than nerfing all damage into the ground.

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Well that is something i also played with on other classes with my guild. Even after the power nerf on many skills... There is still something you can abuse hardcore with other skills in terms of power by the sheer amount of dmg modifiers in both conditions and/or power. In a way it makes the game more fun though.

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