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GW2 game overview or rantings of a vet player

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While I agree with the OP's evaluation of the game, I'm afraid it is way too late to do something about the bad character development and mostly boring story writing.

One can only hope for future content to blow our minds like GW1 did, but most of the writers for GW2 seem too young and too "modern times"-oriented to know what good, classy fantasy story-telling means (I mean, just look at the post-core campaign dialogue alone: most of the characters sound like junior high teens, most of the rest like uneducated rednecks). In my opinion, they have no vision for this sort of quality writing.

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@"Storm.1629" said:WVW: Unbreakable walls and gate (even if for a min)? A couple defenders can hold a tower against an enemy zerg? Whatchtowers? Disablers? Why do you love defenders so much that you feel the need to help them? We don’t want ppl turtling up inside objectives, we want fights. If you want to slow down attackers, make them have to push/pull the siege from tower to tower or make it a lot more time consuming to build (so that it pays to move it instead of building it), also make siege repairable,… As for mounts, give them 1 HP and stop their stomping kitten and running away kitten (also as a side note, you started to kill wvw when you introduced stability and killed the hammer train…, before that, it was so much more fun!!!)

All those defenses can be countered. Watchtower? most of them you can cata beyond their range, they become useless. Disablers? blocked by every shield in the game, attackers can also build shield gens to block disablers and arrow cart fire. Preparation on both sides is what gets you in or keep you out of the objective. Learn to read and counter a situation, just because you run more numbers doesn't mean you should get an automatic pass through everything.

A couple defenders can't hold a tower against an enemy zerg, especially a zerg that is organized and prepared, they delay for their side to respond, this is the point of upgrading and sieging objectives, (good thing you want fights right? or was it ganking you wanted?). The only reason a zerg gets turned away from scouts is because they pick the easiest places to get countered or don't even bother to kill the counters beforehand, they're too lazy. You don't want people turtling behind objectives? They turtle because they have less numbers, they do this until they have matching numbers (you supposedly want this for fights right?), you would do the same in your territory if you were heavily outnumbered. Or are you one of those using a broken sustain/movement spec running around with 5 people chasing you and calling yourself "brave" for this?

Now, what do you think would happen when you give all the power to attackers? They almost always have the advantage of surprise to start a fight. They would ktrain entire sides and run that side off the map, in fact this still happens to this day, like maguuma capping and holding an entire side in ebg for days, in fact it use to happen back in the day when servers would take over entire borderland maps and the other side would log off for the week, is this really what you want to return to? Running your content off the maps? Or let them have their objectives and poke them until they get their side on so you can actually get "fights".

Edge of the Mists: What a real shame!!! That’s a beautiful map, please use it! Even if you just make it something like GVG grounds.

Overflow map, never meant to be the alternative easy leveling ktrain map for pve or wvw, just to wait out your queue. They also added an arena for gvg's in there already.

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What, you mean people don't like the "I'm mad at my mom" story arc or the "we're girls and we like each other a LOT and have to tell the CMDR about every chance we get" romance angle?How dare you imply that Twilight-level writing is in any way bad or negative? That sold like, a lot of books and stuff. Not to mention all the baby boomer moms lusting after teens. That's a gold mine that the writers over at ANet wisely went through. Just like their consistently well thought out Elementalist "adjustments"...

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