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Scourge is dumb

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@rng.1024 said:If you struggle against scourge or necro in general, please post your profession/build (traitlines, weaps) and I can try to give a few 1v1 pointers :3

I play core dd ele, mostly fire/water/arcane with full cantrips. My strategy so far is being pretty, making them chase me and leading them to an ambush...

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

@rng.1024 said:If you struggle against scourge or necro in general, please post your profession/build (traitlines, weaps) and I can try to give a few 1v1 pointers :3

I play core dd ele, mostly fire/water/arcane with full cantrips. My strategy so far is being pretty, making them chase me and leading them to an ambush...

Another core ele!! :3

Necro is for sure a hard matchup, especially because of all the boons you just get that can be easily corrupted.

It's not a bad tactic either, letting them chase you while your team punishes them has won me several midfights!

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@rng.1024 said:

@rng.1024 said:If you struggle against scourge or necro in general, please post your profession/build (traitlines, weaps) and I can try to give a few 1v1 pointers :3

I play core dd ele, mostly fire/water/arcane with full cantrips. My strategy so far is being pretty, making them chase me and leading them to an ambush...

Another core ele!! :3

Necro is for sure a hard matchup, especially because of all the boons you just get that can be easily corrupted.

It's not a bad tactic either, letting them chase you while your team punishes them has won me several midfights!

Yeah, i usually keep an eye at my necs for when they pop their own Lich or RS, or whatever trap placed by druid or DH. I have the means to stay alive and disengage to the other side of the map, but I can hardly pressure by my own. I like to play ping pong with Tornado though, necs can fly so well.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

@rng.1024 said:

@rng.1024 said:If you struggle against scourge or necro in general, please post your profession/build (traitlines, weaps) and I can try to give a few 1v1 pointers :3

I play core dd ele, mostly fire/water/arcane with full cantrips. My strategy so far is being pretty, making them chase me and leading them to an ambush...

Another core ele!! :3

Necro is for sure a hard matchup, especially because of all the boons you just get that can be easily corrupted.

It's not a bad tactic either, letting them chase you while your team punishes them has won me several midfights!

Yeah, i usually keep an eye at my necs for when they pop their own Lich or RS, or whatever trap placed by druid or DH. I have the means to stay alive and disengage to the other side of the map, but I can hardly pressure by my own. I like to play ping pong with Tornado though, necs can fly so well.

Yeah it struggles in the dmg department, even with full rune+sigil into mightstacking.

Not even the defense will last you long in a +1, it's heavily based on tanking hits (auras, protection and signet) rather than mitigating them completely. Holosmith and Scourge can easily outsustain you for low effort, and every elite spec will outdamage yours.

It has CC though - and lots of it. If your team is awake you can really cc-chain tanks into oblivion.

The good thing about your build though is that you can stall node capture for a pretty long time, which can be quite useful to your team. It also feels amazing to play I must admit, especially when you land all your combos and catch people by surprise :astonished:

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@rng.1024 said:

@rng.1024 said:

@rng.1024 said:If you struggle against scourge or necro in general, please post your profession/build (traitlines, weaps) and I can try to give a few 1v1 pointers :3

I play core dd ele, mostly fire/water/arcane with full cantrips. My strategy so far is being pretty, making them chase me and leading them to an ambush...

Another core ele!! :3

Necro is for sure a hard matchup, especially because of all the boons you just get that can be easily corrupted.

It's not a bad tactic either, letting them chase you while your team punishes them has won me several midfights!

Yeah, i usually keep an eye at my necs for when they pop their own Lich or RS, or whatever trap placed by druid or DH. I have the means to stay alive and disengage to the other side of the map, but I can hardly pressure by my own. I like to play ping pong with Tornado though, necs can fly so well.

Yeah it struggles in the dmg department, even with full rune+sigil into mightstacking.

Not even the defense will last you long in a +1, it's heavily based on tanking hits (auras, protection and signet) rather than mitigating them completely. Holosmith and Scourge can easily outsustain you for low effort, and every elite spec will outdamage yours.

It has CC though - and lots of it. If your team is awake you can really cc-chain tanks into oblivion.

The good thing about your build though is that you can stall node capture for a pretty long time, which can be quite useful to your team. It also feels amazing to play I must admit, especially when you land all your combos and catch people by surprise :astonished:

Yeah, also people aren't too used to core ele so i guess it's an advantage. But the mobility feels so great compared to other ele specs, being able to support/rez and peel for your teammates wherever needed. It's pretty team dependant though, you can't carry with that, but you can be a pita.

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@MyPuppy.8970In my opinion you can be useful to your team on anything.

It's just sometimes it's not enough to win, sometimes you can do it purely through skill/map awareness and decisions, by taking the right matchups and helping peel for your allies.

If you have enough damage to atleast make your enemies waste a few cooldowns, it's not half bad. You can compensate for alot with clever plays and it's not really worth playing something you dislike in the current competive scene.

Pita's 4 life ?

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