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Schuld Scrapper be reworked to Support elit providing Quickness? v2.0

Noah Salazar.5430

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I'd like to see them move the "reduce incoming condition damage while you have barrier" to baseline, and move the outgoing damage as barrier to adaptive armor.
@"archmagus.7249"Good idea, but it gona hurt pure dps spec too much

Insted i propose to move adaptive armor on Speed of synergy spot, and on adaptive armor place, gona make new mechanicWhat you think about it? have you any ideas what i culd put ther (on adaptive armor spot) insted?

Remeber that in my rework i also moved speed of synergy on Expert Examination spot with new name "Aceleration Module"

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Scrappers design contradicts itself. F5 Gyro is a support option along with bulwark gyro but NOTHING else screams "support". It's a tank in a game where no one wants to fight tanks in pvp and they are useless in pve.

All anet needs to do is change impact savant to 5 player AOE around you(600 radius?) and nerf it's conversion to 7%. Suddenly scrapper has a role in pve, and isn't running ZERO offensive stats in WvW while also not being zero fun to fight in pvp.

Also, engineers next elite spec should be Alchemist, a healer, and should focus purely on support/healing. Scrapper should absolutely not be running healer gear as it goes against it's entire design of dps = survivability.

Holo - DPSScrapper - Offensive SupportAlchemist - healer defensive support

@Reknarok.7582 said:No. Literally the only reason I even made an Engineer was because of Scrapper. I don't even like Holosmith that much, Scrapper ride or die.

If Scrapper were to be completely overhauled to fill a different niche, I would absolutely drop it entirely. I'm not saying that my opinion is what matters, I'm just saying that pushing an elite spec in a very solid direction only to push it in a completely different direction is kinda kitten. There's still room for a new elite spec to fill the niche of pure support, why ruin Scrapper for those who enjoy it?

I'm not sure what role you think scrapper is filing but right now it doesn't fill any role and is a pretty unfinished class.

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