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Guild bound items

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Yeah, no, not really, what would be the reason for Guild Bound Items at all? If you wanna help new players, provide banners + feasts for them, teach them about important stuff like how to use wiki ingame, importance of a daily routine, let them grab your home instance if its fully upgraded etc.

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Soulbound items in my personal bank sit there, unavailable to all of the characters on my account except for the one to which it is bound. I wonder if guild bound items would do the same. Would seem easier from a coding perspective than having the game check, remove items and return them to the guild. /shrug

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@kharmin.7683 said:So what happens when someone from the guild takes things from the guild bank or takes guild banners and then leaves the guild?

name speak for itself, you can trade them with only players from spesifi guild, when a player quith the items can be salvage or vendor sell. OR the player will return one day and bring this items back in guild circulation.we need to make been in guild more special, i mean why not ? i am very frustrated that the game is so antisocial and personal. even been in guild it feels mike solo play.the best gear and skins are acc bound or soulbound.

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A way to implement this would be to make it so the item could be deposited like the materials for the original construction of the guild hall. Give it a separate permissions spot to allow only "some" people to withdraw it. This way some items like banner supplies could be deposited for the scribes to use, etc. Have the items be able to be pulled out by anyone with the requisite permissions or for items, like scribe crafting materials, be able to be used from the guild storage.

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