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Question about translating(and asia region, I hope)

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Hello there. posting first time in my whole GW2 experience.I'm just a casual player from south korea since 2012...enjoyed every seasons and expansions (except season 1)and I always wanted to invite my friends, showing how this game has brilliant storyline, also exceptional gamplay.but they can't enjoy it because lack of english skills.so here's my question. is there any chance to allow and support open-translation so players in other languege can contribute?(I prefer an official translation, but I understand hiring additional korean translate team can be overburden for nothing, in this case.)(and I wish there is asia region exist, but it's just dream. maybe someday...? okay...)I'd appreciate it if you read it up to here(I'm pretty bad at writing).thank you!

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an official KR language option (or any other language other than EN/FR/DE/ES) is very very unlikely unless a local publisher in korea (or -insert country-) picks up the game, licenses it, does it's own monetization/business model, translates it and opens local servers in the region. see the CN version of GW2

that said nothing's stopping you or any in the KR community/etc. to create overlay addons that translate UI elements to korean (not really sure how one would go about it though)

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@Astyrah.4015 said:an official KR language option (or any other language other than EN/FR/DE/ES) is very very unlikely unless a local publisher in korea (or -insert country-) picks up the game, licenses it, does it's own monetization/business model, translates it and opens local servers in the region. see the CN version of GW2

that said nothing's stopping you or any in the KR community/etc. to create overlay addons that translate UI elements to korean (not really sure how one would go about it though)

yes, I understand. but I just wanted try one more time, at least :anguished: thanks anyway

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@Penett.6058 said:

@"Astyrah.4015" said:an official KR language option (or any other language other than EN/FR/DE/ES) is very very unlikely unless a local publisher in korea (or -insert country-) picks up the game, licenses it, does it's own monetization/business model, translates it and opens local servers in the region. see the CN version of GW2

that said nothing's stopping you or any in the KR community/etc. to create overlay addons that translate UI elements to korean (not really sure how one would go about it though)

yes, I understand. but I just wanted try one more time, at least :anguished: thanks anyway

you guys aren't alone though, once in a while a thread about translating the game to Brazilian Portuguese pops up in general and they are also met with silence by Arena Net on the forums. and there's nothing wrong with wanting the game in your native tongue, in fact it may even open up and bring in new potential players who might stick around... but as it is, at least for the global version of gw2, it's unlikely due to many factors, such as the size of the studio, finances/budget, other projects, etc.

-edit-one other thing you guys can do (or the kr community) is to offer to translate the official wiki to korean. the wiki is written and maintained by players after all... it may not be as effective as an official/unofficial translation but if you can offer picture guides/translations of the UI and the whole database (including the how-to's and processes ingame like crafting, etc.) translated, that may help your community get started with the game (it's a hell lotta work though) - if this is something that you think can be done you can join their discord (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Wiki:Discord) or contact the wiki admins

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@Astyrah.4015 said:an official KR language option (or any other language other than EN/FR/DE/ES) is very very unlikely unless a local publisher in korea (or -insert country-) picks up the game, licenses it, does it's own monetization/business model, translates it and opens local servers in the region. see the CN version of GW2

that said nothing's stopping you or any in the KR community/etc. to create overlay addons that translate UI elements to korean (not really sure how one would go about it though)

Considering Areanet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCSoft, which is a Korean company, I don't think they'd need a separate publisher. I've always found it a bit odd that the game isn't already available in Korean, but I assume it's because it's developed in America and aimed at a western audience and they didn't expect enough people in Korea to be interested to justify the time and cost of translating it. (Or maybe NCSoft didn't want it competing with some of their other games which are mainly played in Korea?)

Anet have always said they don't want to do any more official translations unless they're able to do it properly - translate all the text including menus and item descriptions (which might mean rearranging or resizing things) and including professional voice acting for all current and future content - which makes it a big and expensive job.

But I wonder if a 3rd party translation might be possible, if there are people willing and able to do the work. I know it's possible to get overlays that work with GW2 (like mods but they don't actually change the game). Would it be possible to design one which displays text in a different language? So for example when you're going through the story the overlay will show you the dialogue in Korean. It would require a lot of work from fans to translate everything when new episodes are released, but if there's enough interested people it can work. (I've seen similar things done with mods for other games.)

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"Astyrah.4015" said:an official KR language option (or any other language other than EN/FR/DE/ES) is very very unlikely unless a local publisher in korea (or -insert country-) picks up the game, licenses it, does it's own monetization/business model, translates it and opens local servers in the region. see the CN version of GW2

that said nothing's stopping you or any in the KR community/etc. to create overlay addons that translate UI elements to korean (not really sure how one would go about it though)

Considering Areanet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCSoft, which is a Korean company, I don't think they'd need a separate publisher. I've always found it a bit odd that the game isn't already available in Korean, but I assume it's because it's developed in America and aimed at a western audience and they didn't expect enough people in Korea to be interested to justify the time and cost of translating it. (Or maybe NCSoft didn't want it competing with some of their other games which are mainly played in Korea?)

i think one reason they aren't bringing it to Korea is the competition: the MMORPG market in Korea appears to be bigger compared to the US/EU (i mean they've got more well funded games in development or upcoming locally for both mobile and pc compared to western studios) and they probably don't see gw2 making big money (or even surviving) there unless they change the business model and a lot of the systems in-game to go with the new monetization scheme -this is on top of the costs and work involved to localise it-.... so they probably don't wanna deal with that which is why i think it'll be more feasible for them to have a third party publisher carry all that burden.

that and like you said, GW2 is developed and aimed for the US/EU players... the other games they self-publish and develop in Korea were made by their Korean devteams/studios so it's sorta tailored for their market (business model, game system/mechanics, etc.) and then later just adapted/changed for the western release.

all of this suddenly reminded me of this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/gzoj69/what_if_guildwars_2_was_a_korean_mmo/

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