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LFG [EU][Gandara][WvW] - guilds to join or people I can roam with


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Looking for a guild or people to play in WvW (Gandara). Not into hardcore WvW, but to have fun and do everything like taking camps, tower and SM or regular basis. For many years I have been solo most camps, but it is hard to take towers on my own. I would prefer a guild that have Discord (don't want to install TS again), if it is for doing organised events in WvW. For only roaming or stuff like that I would also like to not be needed to have Discord active all the time, if it is not necessary. I play most during night time so that it so one reason to keep it a bit low on talking.

I have Soulbeast, DH (like bow better then FB axe), Mirage (don't play it after neft to dodge/evasion) all three which I have player a lot in PvE and WvW. An Engineer and Thief are also in the pocket development (meaning they have lvl 80, but not fully geared and my play time with those a very limited). My elementalist (Weaver) have been degraded to crafter only for the moment.

Plan is to get legendary armour, but it seem to be a long road as I am only still in Bronze rank even after 5-6 years playing this game and Skirmishing Tickets are too low to pay for items to get those armor. I have one crafter, so I have some ascended gear and weapons (weapon smithing and artisan) . Huntsmen is the next project to get ascended medium and bow.

I do have a command tag, so I can tag up and form a squad when there is need to split a group with visual sign to where that squad is on map, but I don't wish to command a squad as it is too much to keep tab on for me. With only one screen and no use of overlay (to see which camps have a countdown etc) it is a bit hard to keep everybody "happy" as a commander.

Contact me ShadowCatz.8437 in game. For most part my status is "online", so you should be able to reach me or send an in game PM.

Looking forward to hear from guilds that want "old" member that are on Gandara server!

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Hello. First off, if possible, you'll want to change to another server. Anet's hatred of Gandara is well known and well documented. They always put us against impossibly strong opponents and all we can do is just not play. What's the point in letting other servers farm us? Only time you'll have a chance for something that resembles fair play will be super late night on Friday & Saturday nights when Commander Cormac tags up. Anet has done everything possible to overwhelm Cormac, but so far they have failed. Why Anet hates Gandara so much is anyone's guess, but you'll be better off to pay the 2,000 gem bribe to move to another server.

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