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Revenant: switched gender, now strange weapon sound?

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After switching the gender of my Revenant to female, I am getting a weird weapon sound when swinging any type of weapon - a sound that I am almost certain I did not hear before on the male Revenant. It goes like this:

  • a quick swoosh[deep]-swoosh[high], with a somewhat artifical sound in it that doesn't sound like a weapon at all

Is this a gender specific sound (if so, why??) or a bug? Or has it always been there on that profession and I just never noticed?

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That's a tough call just from a text description. Have you perhaps a means to record it? Is it reproduceable on every swing, every X swings? What race, by the way?

If you've got an available character slot, perhaps make a male rev, head to the Mists lobby (assuming you may not have all the weapon types you need/want to test in the initial story instance), swing the appropriate weapon a few times. Take your female rev there, same weapon, repeat. May help to narrow down the difference.

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Thanks so much for that!I also logged in on my rev and swung some weapons around, hearing that same sound.

[edit: linked video as one example, all weapons all races]

While I feel an argument could be made that it's louder than before (could be a side effect of me listening for it on purpose now), I do not believe it's new.

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@synk.6907 said:Thanks so much for that!

Thanks for taking the time to listen to it and compare. :)

I also logged in on my rev and swung some weapons around, hearing that same sound. [...]While I feel an argument could be made that it's louder than before (could be a side effect of me listening for it on purpose now), I do not believe it's new.

Ahhh, okay. I'm relieved. Although one has to wonder why I never noticed it before - I did 100% map completion and more with my Revenant, so one would assume I should have noticed this before. Hmm...

Again, thank you for putting my mind at ease. ;)

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