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Low level drop rate reduced?

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Maybe it's just bad luck but I have three accounts with about 50 mesmers parked at various JP Chest locations which I harvest those chests daily. I have been getting from 8-15 doubloons daily but the last two days, not a single one. That was the purpose of my post. FYI, I'm a casual gamer and play while working on websites (I own a website development firm). When I have a process that will run 3-4 minutes or more, I open up one of my game windows and loot chests. It's less boring than watching a screen doing a process. LOL

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@Scatmanicus.4582 said:Maybe it's just bad luck but I have three accounts with about 50 mesmers parked at various JP Chest locations which I harvest those chests daily. I have been getting from 8-15 doubloons daily but the last two days, not a single one. That was the purpose of my post. FYI, I'm a casual gamer and play while working on websites (I own a website development firm). When I have a process that will run 3-4 minutes or more, I open up one of my game windows and loot chests. It's less boring than watching a screen doing a process. LOL

To me, getting 8 doubloons out of 50 chests daily sounds like very good luck in the first place.

However, human memory is very fickle when it comes to remember hot streaks and cold streaks. So if you want to be sure there's an issue, start tracking exactly how many doubloons you get (from how many chests) per day for at least a month or so. We want a reasonable number of trials and a substantial number of doubloons to drop (so that being a little unlucky or a little lucky for a few days doesn't skew the estimates).

Then using that baseline, you can start comparing after any given patch (you won't necessarily need another month of data for comparison; if it's a huge drop as you suggested, it should be clear within 10 days).

Aside from data collection, I have been getting doubloons since the last patch, so it's not the case that they (as you wrote in the opening post) "stopped dropping." At worst, it would be the rate has fallen (although again, I don't think anything in the thread so far constitutes evidence of this one way or another).

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