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Weekly Raid CM


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As all of you know Anet had added new weekly CM rewards for raids. This makes doin raid CM viable again. Which is a great decision and the core idea is very great. But the current state isn't perfect and I would like to see these improvement implemented.

  1. The rewards for the weekly CM clears are very poor. Raid CM are one of the hardest content in game especially for inexp raiders. The rewards should be improved a little.

  2. The current Weekly CM are static. Basically it means you can clear X CM raids of your choice. Obviously it will make the easy CM viable only. People will not go for Dhuum CM unless you are talking about the elite raid groups. I suggest making the weekly raid CM similar to fractals - on a rotation. It's not very complex to add, coming from a CS world and it will make all CM viable. Because as I see it right now people will focus on KC / Cairn / MO / Adina / Sabir for easy clears and then maybe some of the more difficult. Dhuum CM for weekly clear will not be a thing.

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I aggre with everything you said.But honestly, there is like 15-16 cm, which mean that will often get dhuum cm, i don't want to have to do it every week. maybe have 8 of choice to avoid the really hard one ? (at least it's not worth it with the current reward).

As for the reward it's really poor, even for 5 easy cm, you can get that for 20 minute of openworld.I think they do that to avoid too much raw gold to be generate, but why not giving us some t5-6 materials ? (and not the trophy shipment that are a total scam for 50 cristal/magnetic, so you do 5 cm, you get 70s profit with the 50 cristal ? wow)

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Well that is something to sit on.Do we want 5 weekly cms? if its on a rotation maybe make it 3-4 ?

That is something for them to think about but the major things are rotation + better rewards.I joined 1 hour ago for a weekly cm clear: KC/CAIRN/MO/Adina /Sabir. That is going to be a thing and that is what bothers me.

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