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Story Mission Design - A Complaint

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I'm going to try to keep this as spoiler free as possible, but be warned now: there might be spoilers.

OK, so I get it, you want to tell a story. Great, I'm with you on that front. And yes, I understand that you want to not rush it, or make it feel substantial, so I put up with the running a loop to talk to a bunch of people when all I needed to do was speak to one or two of them and everyone else was just there to keep me busy with nonsense. Fine, whatever.

My problem comes with the story step The Departed or Departing or whatever that one is called.

Fair warning: Some Spoilers. Go elsewhere if you don't care to read them.

! So the first fight was needlessly long for a scripted and predictable ending. Seriously WAY too long.! Then there is an overly map with objectives that are not easily found or discovered, which leads to the laziest bit of game design I've ever seen in my life. Its literally over ten minutes of recycled material that I as a player do not need to be reminded of. It was ridiculous. Then after all of that I still had one more thing to do.! Fight an enemy, by myself, that unless you are running godlike DPS AND can survive huge unavoidable damage you might finish sometime this lifetime. And if you go down, what little damage you might have done gets healed back immediately.!! I mean if your goal was to make me stop playing the story right here then kudos, you might have succeeded at that as I have no desire to even fire the game back up after this last attempt at this story step.!! Seriously though, who at Anet had the bright idea to make story steps like this?

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This seems to be the most contentious of the PoF missions. We've already had multiple long threads about the Eater of Souls (here's one) before and after the nerf so not sure we really need another one on that specific topic. But I do think it would be a good idea to have it so that if you die anytime after that long opening battle you restart after that battle is over.

I actually liked this mission though. Sure, as someone who has been playing since launch, the memory scenes were full of stuff that I already knew about, but it was a nice reminder of just how much my character has been through. It tied in well with how exhausted the player character seems to be with things in recent stories. Plus I have to imagine for anyone starting with PoF or who missed any Living Story seasons or never bought HoT it was also a nice way of going over recent story without having to force it. Obviously this is pretty subjective and I think my feelings on the mission would be dampened if I'd struggled with it, but I kind of like story missions that aren't just "go here, kill this, talk to Kas/Rytlock/Canach/Taimi, go here, collect reward."

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I had to do it 3 times as a melee spellbreaker and it wasn't until the third time that I tweaked my traits and swapped to bow did I eventually kill the thing by kiting it for 100 years. Problem here is that this is once again a place where Anet both doesn't seem to care about players getting to play the game in a way that they enjoy and forcing them to change play style for a gimmick in a fight AND forcing you into playing it solo since bringing friends along is pointless. Sure, now that I've done it once I can probably do it again on certain characters no problem, but others will always have problems with this fight simply due to the eater's gimmick. Now, I'm not sure if the third time I fought him was after the nerf, but it was after the update today so that might have played a role in it.

And I'm sorry, but I really stand by the fact that rehashing scenes from the game is just lazy and a time waster.

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