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Bots are way too prolific


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I was a skeptic about the bot stuff for a while, particularly since I had taken a break from PvP a while back. I didn't honestly think they were nearly as prevalent as people were saying they were. Surely people were exaggerating because they were just mistaking bad players who didn't talk in chat with bots.

After playing for a good bit over the past month, however, I can't give any more devils advocates. There's too many players out there who are clearly bots and the quality of gameplay has gone down the drain because of it. There have been several in particular that I've seen over and over across multiple days who continue to pop up in queues despite being reported. Morale from teammates bottoms out too and I've encountered games where teammates pretty much give up right from the start when they recognize a bot on their team. It's really sad and I think I'm done with PvP until this truly gets addressed on any serious level

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