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[WvW] A working core build


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I love making builds, it is one of my favorite things about the freedom of WvW and games that have enough depth and variety to allow it. It's fun to me to see what weird things I can come up with that have some kind of strong niche, or if I can come up with something to challenge the meta.

Engi being my secondary main, I've experimented with a lot of possibilities. But recent patches have left me feeling unhappy with the class and mostly avoiding it out of frustration. I've tried more builds than I care to say trying to find something that works without relying on Grenades and Explosives (even though this build is semi-reliant on Explosives...) because I don't personally enjoy them, and have only succeeded in making 3 builds that are "meh".

The strongest build I've made that I've been fine tuning since early 2020 (maybe some time in May?) is the one I'm sharing and talking about here.

Explosive Synergy


  • Very high Protection uptime and damage reduction
  • High resustain
  • High sustained Condition removal and Condition Damage reduction
  • Moderate access to Blind and CC
  • Moderate damage with potential for high damage if target not moving


  • Very weak to pre-combat burst (Stealth) or in combat burst if Protection is stripped
  • Very weak to burst Condition application (4 - 6 and/or many stacks hitting quickly)
  • Weak to kiting, though it has options to prevent this
  • Weak to projectile hate
  • Poor sustained damage

This is the final version of this build which I have re-spec'd (both stats and traits) a number of times but have found this one to work best and be the best combination of defensive and offensive. I'm able to reliably beat most things I encounter with only a few things being particularly problematic; Necromancers of any sort, Deadeyes, Soulbeasts, and Dragonhunters. Otherwise I'm able to shrug off damage pretty easily and can wear people down through attrition or drop a nice combo and do hefty damage. It doesn't look like it, but the combination of Explosive Entrance and Acid Bomb, Glob Shot, or Flash Shell actually hits quite hard, especially if you're Might Stacked. Although the build has poor sustained damage as I'd said, don't underestimate it because it can hurt quite a lot. I'm able to kill people in seconds if they're not careful, but most times it's a bit of a longer fight. The most surprising part about it that I've found is that it often beats Holosmiths.

Change sigils to your preference, but I highly recommend not changing anything else.Again I'm not saying this build is perfect, but it works, it's fun, it can be played skillfully with a lot of combo potential, and it has more than a few winning match ups. If you give it a go please let me know!

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:something something been maining a non-working core condi build for almost 2 years

Depends on your definition of working. You use; Elixir U, Tool Kit, Elixir S and Elixir X, right? Pistol/Pistol + Firearms/Alchemy/Tools I'm guessing? Whether or not that's right, I've tried numerous core condi builds and haven't been impressed with any. If it works for you that's great, but there are certain things I require in a build before I consider it worth playing, and I couldn't work in some of the most important ones with core condi. Mobility is a big one because it isn't a fast killer without landing a Moa. I don't feel comfortable not being able to make a quick escape with a build like that and Rocket Boots aren't an option for me because I feel they're too easily shut down.

Although the build I shared has poor mobility and is also a slow killer, I feel that it's strong enough to be a legitimate build. It doesn't rely on gimmicks and a fight can't be decided by one wrong move. Have your Rocket Boots interrupted and you're probably toast. Miss a Moa and suddenly the fight takes 10x longer putting you in a disposition. Miss Blowtorch and 75% of your damage is gone until it's off cooldown again, etc.I'm not trying to discourage you from playing it though, this is just how I feel about it and it's viability.

Technically viable means "capable of working successfully" so really anything could fit in to that category. When I say "working" I do also mean viable, but mostly what I mean is that it can compete with the meta without relying on a gimmick or a cheesy play style.

I see you've said "non-working" too so to be clear, I'm not putting words in your mouth. Maybe you feel it's strong, maybe you feel it's weak but you enjoy it anyway, idk. Just wanted to share my thoughts on why I didn't land on a core condi build as being the one I found to work best.

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mate, I've been using this for ages....http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lZwsYaMPWKOyPdJNA-zVZYgB9JGNM4gALjmSgeLA1OIBwG4tMqyG-wI'm still collecting the infusions but I'm so bored of the Especs and this is more fun for me :DTurret gets more cleanses and the water fields are good to combo with egun4 and shield4.... I would say f5 too but the delay is too clunk for my ADHD brain to time XD

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