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Anet, Wake up!


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Anet ! you need to wake up and realize that Gw2 is at worst state possible and its all your fault due to lack of actions !you are letting the game die and you focus on things that less matter !the competitive game modes are completely ruined and are not even competitive ! your lack of action cant be ignored by us players anymore..pvp/wvw are full of bots and hackers that not only these farming gold bots destroy the economy of the game they also completely destroyed ranked pvp gaming experiencecreate endless of frustration and toxic enviorment because everyone is angry and frustrated for a good reason!the competitive modes are simply not fun anymore because you leave them be.. ranked pvp just became a gold farm place for bots under your protective wingswhen we complain and report them.. you just delete our posts and give us a warning but the bots/hackers get to continue !hackers have gone so open.. people dont even hide their hacking.. both pvp/wvw is full of hackers using flying and teleports .. and nothing is ever done!pve farming bots also ruin the game economy but you never care about us players.. all you care about is makign a new gemstore items every week!balance ! you have made that big balance patch a while ago a really bad overall patch because it was way too general .. classes werent looked into seperatly0 damage on cc ... ok while its step in right direction its too general and cant bring any decent balance because each class need to be balanced individually !you removed stability from classes.. and you cut sustain without thinking.. and cc is untouched !
you promised us a smaller updates every couple of weeks to continue the balance started on that update .. but phhhhh you;ve done nothing since then!the balance is so bad,.. the meta is so strict .. but again you dont even care.. you stopped communicating with us again!all you do is create gemsore items and "work on expansion" you dont even deserve our money that we will buy that expansion if you dont fix the game for us!wvw relinking doesnt work as expected. and wvw is in such a rough situation too where its all about veteran groups and orgnized pro .. using the silly strick meta builds..newer players have no place in wvw .. . and instead of step in and make some changes to wvw.. you just do nothing.. you create a new warclaw skin for us ..which i regret giving you the money i spent on it.. you simply dont server it!you sell us the game and you claim to offer us competitive game modes and not only pve. . but infact there are not any competitive game modes in this game..and its all your lack of actions causing it.. even 1 game master doing 2 pvp games daily and banning cheaters he see him self would be enough to keep the pvp playableand i knwo you have game masters playing in pvp.. ive seen them.. and they see the hackers and they see the bots but they do nothing!you cant bs us that it takes time or man power.. because if your game masters already do some pvp.. they see the hackers with their own eyes and theres 0 need for any investagationits clear as blue sky who is bot or hacker.

Anet.. i suggest you wake up and start treating us players with alittle bit more respect even if we are "just the competitive game modes players"and its time you understand that without players there is no game ! and undestand that theres a point of which we wont accept your lack of action anymore.. and whenwe will just go spend out time and money on another game !

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