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Evolving and Long-term Improvements


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There's a discussion in the request for implementing a new language and I thought we should take it here instead of filling it with off-topic arguments, out ot respect of the original poster of that thread.

Yes, they've told us before that there will not be other languages. I still believe that if enough people would pay, it's possible they can make an exception. But that would possibly require lots of players from that region and a business case presented.

Regarding the need for patching and balancing the game, the expansion and not taking the resources for other projects, I had some comments about that.

I believe a sound editor might need to cut the audio files, but if all audio files have the same name as the audio files for the other languages, you only need to create a new folder called pt-br or pt-pt.The rest is handled by linking the dialogues to the variable for Language, which in this case would be pt-br (or pt-pt).Example:US English, use en-US folder for audio files.German, use de-DE folder for audio files.etc.

If the coders need to add more code than that, if all the audio files have unique names, then they probably did it wrong.

But yes, I believe there will be lots of hours finding new voice actors. Voices that will add the excitement and passion that Guild Wars wishes to give us.Then there's the recordings. The scripts may need to be rewritten, which will require a translator that understands the game.

I can't see how this will take focus or resources from an expansion or the core game. Maybe the sound editor, but that could practically be anyone cutting the files to avoid silent parts.

But I still believe that a long-term improvement would be hiring a group of people that will at least investigate what new features would add value to the game.Discussions on this forum shows there's some interest in upgrading the engine and the DX version, look at the balance, act against cheaters and bots, add new effects that will enhance the experience (PvE, WvW and PvP?).

As it is right now, I see discontent in lots of discussions. Some more, some less.This game is still really good, but it will be released in Steam and hopefully lots of new players will install it and join us in different game modes.I say that this is the time to invest in long-term improvements. Having one team for maintaining the game and another that improves it. Making sure it always will be a modern game with innovative solutions and features.

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https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/307741/#Comment_307741"People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language. We localize for French, German, and Spanish because those gaming communities are large and there is a solid business reason for doing so. However, we do not have plans to localize for other languages. By the same token, we cannot accept and implement community-translated text, because verifying and implementing the input would be very time consuming and costly. (Consider that inputting text involves things beyond words -- it also can involve videos, animation, and more.)

We have received offers to do community translation for Russian, Hungarian, Czech, and several other languages. We regret that we are not able to offer Guild Wars 2 in every language, but doing so simply would not be feasible, even with the kind offers of the community.

I've talked to players from around the world, and I actually asked many of them what language they chose when playing the game. A surprising number of them, while they were native French, German, or Spanish speakers, told me they preferred to play in English. Most cited the opportunity to practice their language skills; some said they liked to play "exactly what the devs created." I hope that all players are able to choose a language that allows them to join in!"

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/444283/#Comment_444283"But that is the decision, based in part on statistical information provided in this thread and readily available in general on the Internet, plus our own awareness of our products, our community, and our business.

We do understand the desire, and we do respect the request, but this request is not something we can fulfill."

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@kharmin.7683 Thank you! Those two links pretty much explains everything.If we can guarantee that a new language will give Guild Wars 2 at least 1 million (or some other high number) new active players, that would probably be a reason for implementing the new language. With that said, I don't believe anyone can guarantee that and we will have to do with what we have.

I was also opposing the argument that it would require resources from the developers and the team working with expansions and other core functions of the game. I don't think it will, because after the audio files have been recorded they will only need to add a new language and a possible value for the language variable.But, I agree that recording those audio files will require lots of work. It requires lots of time recording all those files and they also need to find good voice actors, which will of course have salary.Implementing a new language will be a financial issue.

There are also other improvements needed for the game and I think this is where ArenaNet need to invest some money. Parts of the game that will need an upgrade or updated with a more modern solution.This reminds me of the between Sega, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. While Microsoft and Sony focused on graphical effects and cool stories, Nintendo tried a different approach and gave us Wii. How would a VR device as an option affect Guild Wars 2?Looking at other RPGs, such as The Witcher, Dragon Age and Skyrim, shows that those mini games are very popular. We have those here in Guild Wars 2, but do we need more alternatives? Someone spotted a certain warband playing some card game. Will we be able to play it in some obscure tavern in a forgotten part of Tyria?Will an AI engine be a good tool to use when monitoring ranked battles? What are the risks for a false positive, or should the AI only help reporting while a real game admin will investigate and make decisions?

There's so much Guild Wars could do to clean up and improve the game.

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@Lucio.4190 said:@kharmin.7683 Thank you! Those two links pretty much explains everything.If we can guarantee that a new language will give Guild Wars 2 at least 1 million (or some other high number) new active players, that would probably be a reason for implementing the new language. With that said, I don't believe anyone can guarantee that and we will have to do with what we have.

It is not that simple.There is a huge different between the original implementation of the four languages and implementing additional ones at this point. This is 2 expansions, 4 seasons of living world AND tracking and tracing all fixes to the original game and the addtional content released.

I doubt they even have a full script of the current game to translate. They made scripts for each release and for each change, but not what is currently in game, This isn't only about story, but also ingame text like battle cries and changes to this.

A long story short. I think you need a gaming community atleast 3 times as large as the smallest community of the four languages (I would guess this is french, based on the size of the native speakers in this tongue).

Last of all, I do think there is more to it then just the size of the language, but also how many people do not speak any of the other languages. I'm native dutch and I know there is a very big community of dutch speaking players, but most of us speak english and the lack of a dutch language is no limitation for most gamers in my country. The four languages are the most popular ones for most games and those speaking other languages are more used to playing in e.g. english.

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:

@Lucio.4190 said:@"kharmin.7683" Thank you! Those two links pretty much explains everything.If we can guarantee that a new language will give Guild Wars 2 at least 1 million (or some other high number) new active players, that would probably be a reason for implementing the new language. With that said, I don't believe anyone can guarantee that and we will have to do with what we have.

It is not that simple.There is a huge different between the original implementation of the four languages and implementing additional ones at this point. This is 2 expansions, 4 seasons of living world AND tracking and tracing all fixes to the original game and the addtional content released.

I doubt they even have a full script of the current game to translate. They made scripts for each release and for each change, but not what is currently in game, This isn't only about story, but also ingame text like battle cries and changes to this.

A long story short. I think you need a gaming community atleast 3 times as large as the smallest community of the four languages (I would guess this is french, based on the size of the native speakers in this tongue).

Last of all, I do think there is more to it then just the size of the language, but also how many people do not speak any of the other languages. I'm native dutch and I know there is a very big community of dutch speaking players, but most of us speak english and the lack of a dutch language is no limitation for most gamers in my country. The four languages are the most popular ones for most games and those speaking other languages are more used to playing in e.g. english.

I'm with you there. I understand there's a lot of work behind and the current decision is "no more languages".If I contacted ANet and said "I've got $50M on the table saying we need this game in Mandarin".Would they say no to that amount of money?

I totally believe you that there will be lots of audio files to be recorded. That's what I'm saying too and if they need to investigate and rewrite the script for the new language, that will also require some work.Someone also mentioned that jokes are difficult to translate, which may also require understanding of the game and world (can't just pick anyone from the street).But all this job isn't done by the coders. That would be a waste of resources. I believe ANet will need a totally new team for this job, people that knows the new language and learned the game.This may cost a lot of money because I think this is a job that may take at least half a year to complete (my estimate would be a year).

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