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Mesmer revamp ideas


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Here I'm gonna list some ideas I'd love to see changed in the mesmer traitlines and skills. I think many of us agree that mesmer in its current state is a bit messy. And I think that many of us also agree that there is a lot of room for improvement. Here are my ideas, please let me know what you think (I didn't give unique names).

Domination - The main focus still remains power and interruption but with a little buff.

Minor Adept - Inflict vulnerability when you interrupt a foe.

Major Adept - Improves greatsword skills. Mirror Blade bounces additional times, and Phantasmal Berserker summons an additional berserker and deals less damage.Major Adept - Illusions deal more damage to foes with vulnerability.Major Adept - Shatter skills deal increased damage for each boon on your target.

Minor Master - Dazing or stunning a foe inflicts vulnaribility. Corrupts protection into vulnerability eact hime you interrupt a foe.

Major Master 1 - Shatter skill 1 also steal a boon on hit.Major Master 2 - Deal more damage to foes with a lower health percentage than you.Major Master 3 - Gain quickness when you interrupt a foe.

Minor Grandmaster - Deal more damage for each stack of vulnerability on your target. Shatter skills transform vulnerability from you to your target.

Major Grandmaster 1 - You and your illusions deal increased damage to foes without boons. Disabling a foe damages and removes boons from them.Major Grandmaster 2 - Shatter skills deal more damage. This bonus damage is doubled against foes that are not activating skills.Major Grandmaster 3 - Interrupts deal damage and inflict weakness. Enemy skills that you interrupt have an increased cooldown.

Dueling - This is the "high risk high reward" traitline. I removed the bleeding traits and focused purely on critical damage.

Minor Adept - Gain vigor when delivering a critical hit.

Major Adept 1 - Your phantasms have fury.Major Adept 2 - Shattering 3 clones grants increased power and precision to you and nearby allies.Major Adept 3 - Pistol attacks from you and your illusions have increases your ferocity. Interrupting a foe recharges pistol skills.

Minor Master - Gain fury when you strike an enemy whose health is below the threshold.

Major Master 1 - Shatter skill 1 becomes unblockableMajor Master 2 - Shatter skill 1 becomes an ammo skill.Major Master 3 - Gain a stacking ferocity effect when you or one of your illusions strikes with a one-handed sword or a spear. Reduces recharge on sword and spear skills.

Minor Grandmaster - Gain fury, retaliation and increased precision when your health drops bewlow 50%.

Major Grandmaster 1 - A portion of your health is converted into power. Your critical hits deal more damage.Major Grandmaster 2 - Interrupting a foe inflicts blind, and blinding a foe inflicts chill. Gain alacrity for each condition on your target.Major Grandmaster 3 - Create a clone at your current position when you dodge.

Chaos - Remained the defensive traitline with some changes.

Minor Adept - Gain regeneration when struck while below the health threshold.

Major Adept 1 - Cast Lesser Chaos Storm when you use a healing skill.Major Adept 2 - Gain stacking damage reduction whenever you summon an illusion.Major Adept 3 - Glamour skills gain recharge reduction and grant superspeed to yourself and allies affected by them.

Minor Master - Gain protection when you gain regeneration.

Major Master 1 - Convert damaging conditions to boons whenever you gain Distortion or become disabled.Major Master 2 - Gain condition damage based on your vitality. Staff and trident skills gain reduced recharge.Major Master 3 - Gain stability when you use a Shatter skill. Gain an additional boon based on which Shatter is used.

Minor Grandmaster - Outgoing boon and condition duration increase for every boon on you. Gain swiftness when you cripple, immobilize or chill your target.

Major Grandmaster 1 - Grant Chaos Aura to you and nearby allies when you use a glamour skill. Chaos Aura also converts conditions to boons on you and your allies and corrupts boons to conditions on foes when struck.Major Grandmaster 2 - Increased stealth duration from mesmer skills for all allies affected. Gain random boons while you are in stealth.Major Grandmaster 3 - Transfer conditions on your target to nearby foes.

Inspiration - Still the main support traitline with some added stuff

Minor Adept - Cast Lesser Power Cleanse when you use a healing skill.

Major Adept 1 - Cast Feedback while reviving an ally. Feedback revives allies inside its dome.Major Adept 2 - Heals allies around you when you finish preparing a Mantra.Major Adept 3 - Gain stealth for a short period of time after casting a Manipulation. Gain swiftness, aegis and resistance for 1 second each time you are revealed.

Minor Master - Grant aegis to other nearby allies whenever you give yourself distortion or use Shatter skill 4.

Major Master 1 - Focus weapon skills reflect projectiles. Reduces recharge on focus weapon skills.Major Master 2 - Heal yourself and lose conditions when you use a Shatter skill.Major Master 3 - Phantasms spawn with 2 seconds of invulnerability and increased health.

Minor Grandmaster - When healing yourself, nearby allies are also healed. Gain healing power based on a portion of your vitality.

Major Grandmaster 1 - Cast Lesser Phantasmal Defender on your attacker when you successfully block or evade an attack.Major Grandmaster 2 - Summoning an illusion heals all allies around you. When a phantasm becomes a clone, it removes a condition from nearby allies.Major Grandmaster 3 - Signets have improved active effects, and activating one grants you distortion.

Illusions - Still the primary condition trait with better focus on illusions.

Minor Adept - Shatter skill 2 inflicts more stacks of confusion for an increased duration.

Major Adept 1 - Deal increased damage for each condition on your target.Major Adept 2 - Shattering 3 clones give you superspeed and your next skill is unblockable.Major Adept 3 - Reduces recharge on torch skills. Flame bursts from torch skills inflict additional burning.

Minor Master - Creating an illusion increases your outgoing damage and gives increased condition damage for a short duration.

Major Master 1 - Increases attack speed while wielding a scepter. Reduces recharge on scepter skills.Major Master 2 - Phantasms spawn with quickness. Gain quickness when you create a phantasm.Major Master 3 - Shatter skills inflict torment on hit.

Minor Grandmaster - Shatter skills gain recharge reduction.

Major Grandmaster 1 - Phantasms deal increased damage for each stack of might you have. Gain might when your phantasms become clones.Major Grandmaster 2 - Your Shatter skills are improved.Major Grandmaster 3 - Instead of summoning clones, you gain Illusionary Charge. Gain access to F5 shatter skill, which is available to use once 3 clones are charged.

F5 - Illusionary Vortex:Create Chaos Vortex at the target location which forces foes to spiral to its core, attacking themselves. All enemy skills except the autoattack and stunbreaks is disabled. For 3 seconds, the enemy attacks itself with the autoattack. After 3 seconds, the vortex explodes, damaging them and corrupting 3 of their boons into conditions. (With stunbreak or stability, foes can escape from the vortex, hence not attacking themselves but if they stay in the AoE, the explosion still damages them and corrupts their boons.

Damage: 500Number of Targets: 5Radius: 240Range: 1200

Skill changes:

Phantasmal WarlockPhantasm. Mark the area at the target location. For 10 seconds, the area is marked and you can teleport there, leaving behind 2 clones. If you didn't teleport, all of your skills are recharged by 5 seconds.

Phantasmal WardenPhantasm. Create a phantasm that takes all the damage from you for 3 seconds. When the phantasm dies, it heals you for all the damage it absorbed.

DecoyClone. Gain stealth, superspeed and summon an illusion to attack your foe. When the decoy clone dies, it triggers a trap, immobilizing and confusing foes.Number of targets: 3Radius: 240.

Ether Clone - the clone summons at your location.

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