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New Elite Spec dream


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This is just my dream. I bet its gunna be like Togo, focus and another support spec with an f2 activatable but whatever.

Oracle of the Mists

Just Oracle for short. I'd go with Envoy but Shiro was an envoy and we can already channel him and Oracles can communicate with celestials. As far as I can tell in the lore they're just better ritualists. New mechanic is Celestial Summoning (Dual-Skills/ Double Invocation), weapon is the greatsword and the new summon is the "Celestial Stance" which is a dual-invocation of Archemorus and Viktor. The new stance works like two stances due to the nature of the mechanic.


Let's make this fun. Inspired by Eternity and the Revenant's underwater weapons, it has two modes: Melee (Luxon) and Ranged (Kuzrick). The melee attacks are physical damage and mobility focused and the ranged mode is condi and defense based. This will be attached two the 2 ability which doesn't have another effect. To balance the weapon all cooldowns are shared so that if you switch weapons 2 is still on cooldown, as well if you use one skill 5 then swap, the other will be on cooldown.

Melee Mode

Melee mode is Luxon themed and it's abilies revolve around their three Queens of legend: Elora, Alua and Ione. Aesthetically it's inspired by Sekiro's Ashina style.

  1. Autochain: Crab's Strike (Strike your foe), Turtle's Bite (Strike your foe), Serpent's Lunge (Strike your foe, gain swiftness)
  2. Saintly Virtue (5 energy, 10s cd): Gain small amount Barrier and switch to the Ranged Mode
  3. Ione's Claws (5 energy, 5s cd): Strike your opponent twice in rapid succession, gain might for enemy each target hit.
  4. Alua's Rush (10 energy 5s cd): Charge your opponent (Leap Finisher, 600 range).
  5. Elora's Might (15 energy, 15s cd): After a short delay, perform a strong overhead strike and knock your opponent down (Blast finisher).

Ranged Mode

The Ranged mode is Kuzrick themed. The theme is based off their house's saints: Perahta Brauer, Ehren Durheim, Viktor zu Heltzer, Molodie Lutgardis and Anjeka Vasburg. Vitkor is omitted for being connected to the Utility abilities. The auto-attack is a slow (0.75-1s) 600 range single target attack (like Necro's axe) where your character slashes at the air.

  1. Ehren's Chronicles: Damage your target and apply 3 stacks of bleeding.
  2. Nomad's Code (5 energy, 10s cd): Gain Might and switch to the Melee Mode
  3. Perahta's Masterwork (5 energy, 5s cd): Blind your opponent and confuse them
  4. Melodie's Blessing (10 energy, 5s cd): Evade backwards and create a rift fissure that cripples and torments enemies caught in it.
  5. Anjeka's Peace (15s, 15s cd): Channel and stun enemies in the area. If you complete the channel burn nearby enemies.

Legendary Celestial Stance

Celestial Stance is technically two stances due to the profession mechanic, Celestial Summoning. It invokes both Saint Viktor and Archemorus. The 8th skill is if you have Celestial Stance and Celestial Stance Equipped.

  1. Star Shine (5 energy, 30s cd): Heal yourself and remove conditions from all nearby allies.
  2. Shield of Saint Viktor (25 energy): Break stun and apply barrier to all nearby allies.
  3. Storm of Swords (40 energy): Allies near you damage adjacent enemies
  4. Spear of Archemorus (10 upkeep): Charge up the Spear of Archemorus. Unleash the Spear of Archemorus to damage all enemies in an area. It deals more damage the longer it was charged.
  5. Star Servant (50 energy, 5s cd): Summon an astral ally to attack enemies for 5s. The Star Servant deals low damage but grants energy on hit.

New Profession Mechanic: Celestial Summoning

The new profession mechanic would be dual skills/dual invocation named after the GW1 ability of the same name. It works by allowing you equip two legends in the same legend slot so you could use Mallyx/Shiro and Jalis/Ventari. The trade-off could be removing weapon swap if need be. Your 8th utility skill becomes a Dual-Skill that is a combination of both stances equipped and equipping the same Legendary Stance for both slots equips the default 8th skill. Since you can rearrange utility skills I chose the skills that get swapped for dual skills.

The nitty gritty of what how Celestial summoning works is a bit more complicated than I'd hope because you can swap abilities around as you wish and Ventari is janky so I had to come up with tweaks and specifications. You can equip Legend A and B in your first slot and C and D in your second, so the UI would show two legend slots on either side of the f1 ability. The legend in the first/leftmost (which I will call the Minor) slot determines your healing skill and your 7 utility skill from that Stance. The second slot (the Major slot) determines your Elite skill and another utility skill. The utility skills chosen do depend on what slot you put them, for example Shiro's minor ability is Reposting Shadows and his major ability is Impossible Odds. The rule of thumb is the minor slot ability is the stunbreak and the major slot is the upkeep.

The Dual Skill is in slot 8 and depends on what two legends chosen but not the order, so Mallyx/Shiro's Dual Skill is the same as Shiro/Mallyx. Each legendary stance will have to have one skill removed (Phase Traversal, Banish Enchantment, Forced Engagement and Project Tranquility). For the outlier Ventari, its tablet ability will be attached to its Dual Skill and its healing ability will be replaced with Natural Harmony. The minor skills are Riposting Shadows, Pain Absorption, Inspiring Reinforcement and Purifying Essence. The Major skills are Impossible odds, Call to Anguish, Vengeful hammers and Energy Explosion.

Dual Skills

Here are my ideas for the dual-skills. All of the Ventari alterations should be considered "tablets."

  • Assassin + Demon: Fingers of Chaos (20 energy): Corrupt a boon on an enemy. Teleport to them and apply chill if they have no boons
  • Assassin + Dwarf: Chains of Enslavement (30, 15s): Pull an enemy to your location.
  • Assassin + Centaur: Meditation of the Reaper(20 energy ): Summon Shiro's Return and attach it to your body (set its tether distance to 0). Instead of healing allies it grants battle scars to nearby allies.
  • Demon + Dwarf: Bonds of Torment (25 energy, 10s cooldown): Bind an opponent to you for 3s. When you gain a condition that opponent gets a copy of that condition.
  • Demon + Centaur: Apocrypha (2s)/Ancestral Anguish (10 energy + 3s): Summon the Apocrypha that removes a condition from allies every 10s. Move the tablet to target location and apply torment to enemies it passes through.
  • Dwarf + Centaur: Tome of the Rubicon (2s)/Breath of the Great Dwarf (10 energy + 3s): Summon the Tome of the Rubicon that breaks stuns when it lands. Move the tablet to target location and remove condition from allies it passes through.
  • Celestial + Assassin: Echoing Banishment (35 energy, 15s): send an enemy to the mist, stunning and damaging them.
  • Celestial + Demon: Bloodspear (30 energy): Throw up to three spears infused with demonic power, dazing enemies. Interrupted foes gain confusion.
  • Celestial + Dwarf: Light of Deldrimor (25 energy): Damage nearby enemies and grant nearby allies retaliation.
  • Celestial + Centaur: Peace Treaty / Celestial Haste (20 energy, 10 seconds): Summon a Peace Treaty that grants 5 energy when you use Centaur skills but has a larger radius. Move the tablet, allies is passes through gain quickness and alacrity for one second.
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I find this idea interesting because it feel like it completly challenge the picture I have of some concepts.

I mean, when I think "oracle of the mist" I picture an old man with a staff, yet somehow, you put a GS that have both range and melee attack.Also, when I picture Luxon and Kurzick, Luxon are the ranged one (because of the freakin' canon on the turtle and it's way easier to use ranged attack on the jade sea than in the ecchovald forest) while Kurzick are the melee one with their Juggernauts.

I see 3 issues, thought:

  • Nothing justify that greatsword alone get 2 stances. The weapon is merely "flavor" in an e-spec, it's not the focus of the spec.
  • What about F2?
  • The dual legend mechanism might be incompatible with ventari because all the centaur's skills need the healing skill/tablet (slot 6), it's not just the dual skill.

Possible solutions:

  • Combine both GS skillset into a singular skillset. (A solution that reduce the devs' workload)
  • Make F2 the stance that rule over the "mode" but it need to affect all core weapons of the revenant as well. (A lot of work for the devs)
  • Make F2 the recipient of the dual skills and forget about having half and half utility (An easy solution)
  • Change the recipient of the dual skill to be the healing skill. (Again an easy solution but this time it might be possible to have half and half skillsets)
  • Make the full 10 combinations dual skills skillsets (50 new skills)
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@"Dadnir.5038" said:I find this idea interesting because it feel like it completly challenge the picture I have of some concepts.

I mean, when I think "oracle of the mist" I picture an old man with a staff, yet somehow, you put a GS that have both range and melee attack.Also, when I picture Luxon and Kurzick, Luxon are the ranged one (because of the freakin' canon on the turtle and it's way easier to use ranged attack on the jade sea than in the ecchovald forest) while Kurzick are the melee one with their Juggernauts.

Fair, I just thought kuzricks culturally bunker down and luxons are nomadic but either way. As for the name, GW has never had accurate specs/weapons like a Herald is a person that tells news/messages so the weapon should be warhorn but we got shield. I did think of a Kuunavang related name (since she granted players celestial skills in GW1) but she has no real title.

@"Dadnir.5038" said:I see 3 issues, thought:

  • Nothing justify that greatsword alone get 2 stances. The weapon is merely "flavor" in an e-spec, it's not the focus of the spec.
  • What about F2?
  • The dual legend mechanism might be incompatible with ventari because all the centaur's skills need the healing skill/tablet (slot 6), it's not just the dual skill.

Idk some weapons are the focus like Deadeye. Either way this is a pure flavour weapon, that might not even be viable since you need to be running power and condi for it to be optimal. I do get that it would be hard to make, so if it has to be combined I'd want it to be a midrange weapon but keep the melee skills as well as the ranged 4.

The F2 is gone for this spec to balance out having access to more diverse abilities. If energy is too hard to manage it can be added to the traits of the spec in the minor line since players would always grab it if theres an option. Off the top of my head it would be something like "Upkeep skills cost 1 less pip" since Ancient Echo nets a conditionaly 1.22 energy a second, and this gives a conditional 1e/s in such a way that gives players more utility/damage.

That's why I did a mild rework of it, swapping the Tablet skill with Natural Harmony (so now Natural Harmony is skill 6) so that all dual skills are tablet skills that give more versatility to it. Imo Ventari is so all in on it's legend that it dominates your build and could use a soft rework so that it can work with the revenant's mobility.

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