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A request to rework the block feature of Guild Wars 2

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If this is in the wrong category, I apologize.

We are a guild of 20+ people who run certain events frequently. 

A few months ago someone who did not agree with certain people and actions of others left the guild and has been harassing one person in our guild in particular, occasionally others as well. It went as far as this person egging others on to harass us, dragging multiple guilds into it and resulting in a lot of bad blood, anxiety and fear mongering.

Most of us have blocked this person and continue to block people who act on their behalf.

What we noticed is that when you block a person, you can see their location. In theory, that’s useful, you can avoid maps they’re on.

But that can also be used to stalk others. If they block one of us, they know where we are, what event we are running and are able to hop into the same map. 

We wish for a way to have the block feature reworked in a way that would not show the location of the person you have blocked, at the very least.

 And, if possible, for one to be invisible to the blocked person in the same open world map and vice versa.

I do not know how that would or could work within the game itself, or if that is even possible, but this person in particular has made the game experience for a lot of us a hassle, not enjoyable and very straining on the nerves.

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  • 1 year later...

I would also ask that his system be reworked. I rarely have to use the block system in any game but there are times when we all need to use it and this system is terrible! Why if I block someone can they still see where I am? Why can they still interact and harass me when I am using the LFG system? Block means they should not be able to see anything I do, anywhere I go and they should not be able to see where I am and they certainly should not be able to join my LFG group and bomb it on a consistent basis. Please fix this!

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34 minutes ago, Angelz.9713 said:

I would also ask that his system be reworked. I rarely have to use the block system in any game but there are times when we all need to use it and this system is terrible! Why if I block someone can they still see where I am? Why can they still interact and harass me when I am using the LFG system? Block means they should not be able to see anything I do, anywhere I go and they should not be able to see where I am and they certainly should not be able to join my LFG group and bomb it on a consistent basis. Please fix this!

You do know this was changed some time ago you now get removed from their friend list.

Unsure if it hides you if your in the same guild tho.


About joining your lfg its an open party so yea they can see that.

Edited by Linken.6345
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