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GW2's Story needs more conflict & consequences

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I feel like as the story goes on, it's becoming more like a saturday morning cartoon where our band of heroes can never fail and there's never any real conflict or consequences and every storyline ends on a high note.


With the launch of HoT we saw the disaster with the Pact fleet upon arrival at the Maguuma jungle, and the conflict and paranoia surrounding the Sylvari. As Rytlock stated in the HoT trailer " We cannot trust the Sylvari, they belong to the dragon now"


Why don't we get more stories like this where there are tensions between the 5 races or even just the different factions. Why are we always teamed up against some big bad guy like a dragon, joko, or a god, if the story is just going to play out in our favor every single time? I haven't begun IBS yet, but I just finished LWS4 and I was really let down by the Aurene thing near the end. This is just boring and inconsequential story telling and I'm losing interest 😞

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I think GW's biggest problem is the lazy writing on villains. Nearly every big bad has mind control over their minions. Which makes the faction very boring and repetitive.  The only good villain twist was the Lich in GW1.


The Mursaat and the White Mantle was interesting until they were handled as bland villains.

Edited by Slowpokeking.8720
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