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Disconnected again!

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I've been having this issue for FIVE MONTHS. I've sent multiple tickets and all they ever do is ask me to send DxDiag and run Hi-jackThis and take shots in the dark at what the problem might be. I've gotten a different answer every time.

I'm going to start making a post every time I disconnect until I get a straight and consistent answer because I'm sick of the kittening mystery problem and I want it resolved.

Things I've tried:
Uninstalling and reinstalling
Clearing cache
Adjusting Firewall settings
Disabling Firewall
Disabling anti-virus programs
Clean boot
Using VPN (WTFast, ExpressVPN)
Running on different computer
Updating drivers
Running from D drive
Contacting ISP - ISP reset and updated Modem
"Port forwarding"

None of these things have worked.

What I'm experiencing:
Soft disconnect to character select and hard disconnect to launcher. Happens every hour/few hours.


Absolutely at the end of my wits with this. I've asked questions on forums, from my ISP, MULTIPLE TIMES through support here, tried various programs and suggestions... This issue occurs regardless of the computer I'm on and it DOES NOT impact my connection on other games or programs. This is strictly a GW2 related problem.

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7 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

I understand your frustration, but flooding the forums with new threads will not solve your issue and will probably only upset Forum Moderator.5907.


Support has been useless, this problem has been ongoing for months, I've provided any and all information I can to help in diagnosing and solving it, I've tried every option under the sun, and it's still happening.

I want a kittening answer to this problem. My patience are gone. 

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Hm, I understand the frustration and I would be as frustrated and desperate as you are when I would have these game breaking disconnects.


The other side of the story is that support can only do so much. They can and will gather data about connectivity issues to pinpoint where the causes may be. While most players don't have these issues, you're not the only one. In fact, there have been many threads about players experiencing persistent connection problems and it's not always as simple as someones WiFi being unreliable. There are connectivity issues with either some servers or the connections of some internet service providers to the servers of ArenaNet.


Support can help you hand options in case the connectivity issue is on your side or gather statistics to find out if there are issues with their servers or certain ISPs. Even if support and the network administrators are doing their work properly, it takes time to diagnose these issues as only a relatively small part of the player base is having them. (Don't get me wrong, a small part of the GW2 player base can still be a large group of users affected)


Bless you.


Side note:

Many of your tried solutions may have weakened your PC's security. Like disabling AV, firewall and opening ports. When these provide you no solution, you may be better off turning them on again and disabling the port forwarding. GW2 generally does not need any port forwarding on residential connections. Your router will automatically make sure GW2 can make the required connections to the internet and bring the network replies back to your PC. Just make sure that you allow GW2 to connect to the internet if any PC software firewall notice comes up.



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Hello I would like to make a suggestion that might help.

Try to do a command  /ipconfig /release

then  /ipconfig /renew   then  /ipconfig /flushdns

Then the most important part  change your DNS setting to use

IP version 4


IP version 6

  • 2606:4700:4700::1111
  • 2606:4700:4700::1001


A different domain name server might help if your using a ISP that has a bad DNS .


you might need to actually change these in the modems settings also depends on your ISP and Modem Good Luck Hope it works for you !

Edited by Merrex.5384
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49 minutes ago, Merrex.5384 said:

Hello I would like to make a suggestion that might help.

Try to do a command  /ipconfig /release

then  /ipconfig /renew   then  /ipconfig /flushdns

Then the most important part  change your DNS setting to use

IP version 4


IP version 6

  • 2606:4700:4700::1111
  • 2606:4700:4700::1001


A different domain name server might help if your using a ISP that has a bad DNS .


you might need to actually change these in the modems settings also depends on your ISP and Modem Good Luck Hope it works for you !

Kicked again. I'm done for the night.

I changed the settings here, is this correct? I'll find out if it has any effect tomorrow.

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