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Bug - Return to Research in Rata Novus

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I posted on this already. I tried it twice a toon that had it done already and it didn't count. I was able to do all  the other ones and they counted even when done out of order. So I took a toon that hadn't done it through and it counted. Had to do Eir's Memorial again of course to get the Research in Rata Novus step to pop.

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Are you guys doing it via purple stars or by actually starting the chapter from the beginning?  I did it from the beginning via green stars on a character that's done it before and it worked quite smoothly even with skipping cinematics.  My only bug is the Unbound Guardian not counting, but that's not story step related.


Edit:  Camped the event until it spawned, hit the first Jade as hard as I could, then headed down to the UG's spawn and waited.  Jumped on it immediately, hit it hard as I could as well, including nabbing every green circle boost I could reach and never getting downed.  Credit gained, all new achieves complete.  Other factors:  It was the first Jade chain after reset.

Edited by Donari.5237
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I had the exact same problem, then tired it again. The first step in this Chapter is to "Talk to the Adventure Aide ZK496i golem in Rata Sum.". I realized that I didn't talk to the golem and went directly into the instance. Every thing looked normal until I got out of the instance at the ship. The second time I tried it I talked to the golem first and it worked OK. You shouldn't be able to enter the instance without talking to the golem first but it didn't work that way, Thanks ANET.


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