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Defending Tyria mission a slog for anyone else?

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This may be because I haven't tweaked my spec after being away from the game for a while but did anyone else feel the Destroyers champs for the "Defending Tyria" mission were too tanky? I'm not trying to crap all over the story segment because I enjoy all the dialogue and prep you do before the mission starts but gotdamn. I just dredged my way through the EDR destroyer champs in Rata Sum and Brisban Wildlands(?) and now I'm on the one in Gendarran. It's at 50% and I'm just staring at it dreading the next 20 min I'm going to have to spend slowing sapping it's health. I know they want you to do this segment with a group but even in a private world it's too much. I really want to quit the mission and pick it up whenever I have a ton of time to kill but I'm already this far. I can handle a boss with a crapton of health if the fight is dynamic but these buds have like 3 skills at their disposal. Did ANYONE else think these champs were unreasonably strong for how static their movesets were?


If I just need to gitgud then please feel free to roast me

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If you look at the old bosses, e. g. the Worldbosses, you see their HP pools melt within seconds. Reason is simple: the meta is everywhere and everyone suggest you to just play the meta. So the average damage output has drastically increased over the past years. In addition, people who run the meta mostly focus on knowing their rotation and launching it perfectly, so they get as close to the damage-benchmarks as possible. Even worse, when asking for advice, they are told to learn their rotations, as it would be the most important thing of their class.


As a result we have created a player-base that is very determined in dealing good damage, but not so much interested in real combat mechanics anymore. The HP sponges fit perfectly into this puzzle. Their skill and movement patterns are quite predictable and easy to dodge, even if you have both of your eyes on the keyboard. On the other hand, they have enough HP so the players can see their shiny DPS numbers. 


If you happen to run off the meta, especially not care much about your DPS, those fights can take ages. While the bosses scale nicely with the number of players joining, they do not scale with your build. So you either get used to that, or have a second build that is a little more damage-focused with less sustain/survival options. Again, those bosses do not require acrobatic movement. Most of the attacks can be dodged by walking out of AoE rings.



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14 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

While the bosses scale nicely with the number of players joining, they do not scale with your build.



I guess that's the problem. I was playing solo and on my daredevil which I am assuming is the worst class for this mission given what you said.. It was a story segment so I didn't think I would need to have a group if I wanted to play my DD. This is my first run through this part of the story, I just thought it was odd that these little bosses took so much damage in such a unengaging fight.

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You can run public DRMs. They count 100 % to story progression. What you get as a group is always random, but doing the content with other players is imo eaiser. There is no real group-interaction with public DRMs, you can communicate but you do not have to. In the most cases you gain some additional damage, free buffs or even heals. Give it a try.

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