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Legendary armor is... Locked for some people.

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On 8/14/2021 at 2:33 AM, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Envoy had me spending more time  doing HoT metas and running around for provisioner tokens+materials than spending time in raids and that's not saying I'm good at raids

Yeah. being good at raids doesn;t matter, you still need to do at least 10 weeks at minimum for first set even if you are a raid god. 750 tokens took me close to two years, i think. On the other hand, i was done with HoT component of the first set in about a week, if i remember right (with the sole exception of provisioner tokens, which are just a simple timegated mat sink and do not require actually playing HoT at all).


On 8/14/2021 at 2:33 AM, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Strikes also reset daily and they're definitely not making the same mistakes with Strike CMs as they did with Raid CMs where, for the longest time, there was zero incentive to redo raid CMs once you had them. 

We're not comparing Strike CMs to Raid CMs but to normal Raids though.


On 8/14/2021 at 2:33 AM, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

 There's also no reason why they shouldn't put it behind Strikes and strike CMs.  Strikes see way more play than raids anyways.

I'm not sure about the last part - from what i see huge majority of players doing strikes still are raiders. Last two strikes are almost completely done by raiding crowds. Also, the primary reason why the easier strikes were initialy at least more popular than raids was because they were of lower difficulty. If Strike CMs will end up as Raid difficulty, that reason will no longer apply.

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